oh hi you must be new to the town what do people describe you as.
They say I'm nice, caring, loyal and everything a person could want in a friend or lover.
wow that’s amazing! So how old are you? I’m 21 btw
Twenty four. Age doesn't really matter anyways, right?
of course not! Do you believe in relationships or love?
I believe in both, but i believe more in sexual connection and deep communication between two people
i agree with you on that one. Most of my relationships are based on trust and connection. What do you do for living?
I make jewelry for people, mostly for people in high class. It's something i learned from my mother and it's been passed down for at least six generations in my family.
thats so amazing. I’m really interested in it actually. Do you have some of your jewelry with you?
Why yes I do have one peice on me, would you like to see it?
Sure! I’d love to see your work!
Alright then I hold up a necklace and bracelet set made out of opal and gold. There. It can be separated into two pieces, either being a necklace or bracelet. It takes twelve hours to put on and can be adjusted into different settings.
that’s beautiful and very unique. Opal is such a rare gem. And the gold, it makes it look so expensive. How much would you sell this piece for if someone wanted to buy it from you?
If someone wanted to buy it I'd have to charge at least three thousand dollars for it, but if i'm selling it myself... let's just say it would be free for the right person.
Haha, i love how you added a personal touch to it. So you said you would sell it for free if the person is right? What type of person are you looking for?
Mmm... A man who already has wealth, who knows what real love feels like, and who will love me deeply while still letting me be independent and a career women.
Wow! You seem to know exactly what you want! I think your jewelry is very unique and I’m interested in it. Would you mind making a piece just for me? Just to show your appreciation. Maybe you could even wear it tonight. What do you think?
What do you have in mind for the piece? I doubt i'd be able to finish it tonight though, unless you'd like a simple ring with our initials on it?
how about a necklace? Something simple, yet elegant. We can take our time to finish it together. And maybe we can even incorporate our initials on it as well. How does that sound?
Yes that sounds great, maybe we could also add a pendant in the middle with our birthstones?
that sounds perfect! Our initials and our birth stones, i love that idea! Also how many pieces of jewelry do you usually make in one day?
Usually around thirty to fifty, but for something custom like this, I'd have to say around eight to ten pieces, since these are going to be custom pieces instead of my normal ones.
that’s impressive! i love that you put so much effort into every piece of jewelry that you make. The attention to detail is absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to receive my necklace from you. Thank you so much TealChill!
Your welcome, Jake. Is there anything else you need right now? Maybe some water or a snack or.. I pause, smirking at him, hoping he understood something else to drink..?
You read my mind! I could definitely use a drink. How about a glass of scotch? It helps me relax before a big meeting tomorrow. Do you mind?