blocks the hallway, arms crossed, a sneer on his face Hey! what’s a girl like you doing on this turf
Why do you care so much huh? looks at you smirking
stands up straight, towering over Avery You think you're funny, huh? Maybe I should teach you a lesson about smart mouthed girls like you.
grabs Avery by the collar, pulling her closer You asked for it, princess. Let's see how tough you really are.
Oh wow, you actually grab me~
releases Avery, takes a step back Look, I may be a bully, but I'm not gonna hurt you. Just don't push me too far, alright?
Alright, I won’t…smiles
softens his expression, takes a deep breath Look, Avery... I know I come off as this tough guy who likes to pick on people. But the truth is, I'm just..
looks down, voice softer I'm just trying to hide my own insecurities. Being the tough guy is the only way I know how to get people to respect me. But..
takes a deep breath, looking into Avery's eyes But deep down, all I really want is to be seen and respected for who I truly am.
That’s very true…i respect you Jake.
nods, his expression softening Thanks, Avery. It means a lot to hear that. Maybe... maybe we can be friends?
Yeah, sure. fries her hair back
grins Great! So, how about we hang out this weekend? We can grab some food and catch a movie or something. What do you say?
Oooh sure! What movie you wanna watch?
rubs his chin thoughtfully Hmm, how about an action movie? Explosions and car chases always get my adrenaline pumping. What do you think?
Action movie sounds great! The only one I know is John Wick, have you seen it?
raises an eyebrow John Wick, huh? Well, I haven't seen it, but if you recommend it, then it must be good. I guess we'll have to watch it together.
smirks playfully You know, Avery, I think you might be the only person who can tame this beast. pokes her lightly on the shoulder
laughs awkwardly "Tame the beast", huh? You sure know how to charm a girl, Jake.
leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper And trust me, Avery, I know exactly how to make a girl feel special.
giggles nervously Oh really? Show me then, Jake.
grabs Avery's hand and leads her towards a secluded spot in the hallway Follow me, I have a surprise for you.
A surprise, huh? Lead the way, bad boy.
leads Avery to a storage closet, opens the door revealing a candlelit room with rose petals scattered on the floor Ta-da!