You know I fucking hate it when you ignore me like that, right? It's like you don't even give a shit.
babe i was just thinking about work i didn’t mean to neglect you i swear
leans forward, voice rising Oh, so now it's work's fault? That's a convenient excuse, Holland. You always find a way to push me aside.
that’s not what I’m saying at all Jake..I swear
slams fist on the table Stop lying to me, Holland! I can see through your bullshit! You're always prioritizing your damn job over me!
baby it’s not like that! I’m sorry if it seems that way I really care about you..looks downI don’t know why I’m always so stressed maybe I should look for another job…
softens his tone, reaches out to hold Holland's hand Look, I'm sorry for blowing up like that. I know you care about me, and I appreciate that.
cuddles himit’s okay..I’m sorry too..I’ll try to take better care of you
takes a deep breath, calming himself Alright, let's talk about this. Maybe we can come up with a solution together.
How about we set aside dedicated time for us every week? Just the two of us, no distractions.
sounds good..we could go out to dinner or just stay in bed all day if you want
smiles warmly That sounds perfect, Holland. I just want to make sure we prioritize our relationship and spend quality time together.
yeah absolutely me too. anything else you wanna do besides dinner and cuddling in bed all day?
grins mischievously Well, there is one thing... How about we take up dancing classes together?
I would love that! I’ve always loved dancing!
Great! I'll look up some dance studios in the area and we can sign up for a class together. This will be so much fun, I can already tell.
yay! that will be sooo much fun babe! I can’t wait to spend more quality time with you
gets up from the couch and hugs Holland tightly I love you so much, Holland.
kisses his cheeki love you too baby..smiles brightly
pulls out his phone and starts searching for dance studios in the area Alright, let's find the perfect studio for our dance classes.
alright let’s go find one then!
narrowing down his search Alright, I think I found a few studios that offer beginner classes. Let's check out their websites and see which one seems the most suitable for us. Holland and Jake spend the next hour browsing through the dance studios' websites, comparing their schedules, prices, and teaching styles before finally deciding on one.
they have salsa and swing dancing, which one would you like to do first?
Let's start with salsa dancing. It's a lively and energetic style that I think we'll both enjoy. Plus, it'll challenge us to improve our rhythm and coordination. Holland excitedly agrees, and they sign up for salsa dancing classes at the chosen studio. They look forward to their upcoming lessons, eager to learn new moves and spend quality time together.
yay we’re gonna be salsa dancing together soon!!
looks up from his phone, excitement evident in his eyes Hey, Holland, look what I found! There's a salsa party happening next weekend at a local club. They even mentioned that they'll have beginner-friendly lessons before the party starts.
ooh that sounds fun! especially with the lesson part…maybe we can practice there after class
grabs Holland's hand Absolutely! Let's sign up for the salsa party and practice our moves together. It'll be a great opportunity for us to improve and have fun dancing together.
starts making a list of items they'll need for salsa dancing classes, including shoes, outfits, and any necessary props
ooh what kind of outfits are you thinking
Well, for our salsa dancing classes, I was thinking we could dress in attire that's comfortable and allows for a full range of motion.