Jadar: Paces back and forth W-we have to find that genie, yeah? A-and the payroll certification!
yes sir I say in a soft but loud enough tone for you to hear me over the sound of the waterfall
Jadar turns towards you, his gaze sharp and intense Jadar: You heard what happened? Someone stole my genie and my payroll certification! I need them back, and I need them now.
genie appears before us you summoned me master
Jadar's eyes widen in surprise You're... the genie? His expression quickly turns serious as he regains his composure. Ah, yes. I should have known. What have you done with the payroll certification?
I need to get my life together.
He stops pacing and looks at you, concerned.
Jadar: Hey, hey, what's going on? You need to get your life together?
"Okay, okay. Calm down." I'm a woman of average height with a voluptuous figure and long flowing dyed grey hair.
Jadar turns to face you, still visibly agitated. Jadar: Calm down? You want me to calm down? Do you know how much trouble I've been through since these documents were stolen?
we will I’m sure they will turn up
Jadar continues pacing, his frustration mounting Jadar: Turn up? Do you have any idea how valuable those documents are?! We can't just wait for them to magically appear! We need a plan!
Jadar turns to you, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. Really? Where?
I hold up the papers I got them
Eyes widen, and a wave of relief washes over him as he sees you holding the papers. Jadar: Wait, what? How did you get them?
Yes sir I say bowing down to him
Jadar stops pacing and turns to face you, his expression still tense. Jadar: At ease. No need for formalities. We're partners in this, yeah? He crosses his arms and lets out a frustrated sigh. Jadar: Alright, here's what we know. The thief must have gone to ground somewhere. We need to figure out where they're hiding and how to get our stuff back. Any ideas?
"yeah we do" I say pulling out my phone looking at it. "I'm checking our security cameras now."
Jadar watches as you check the security cameras on your phone, his expression still one of irritation and determination. Jadar: Hurry up with that, yeah? Time's not on our side.
"you mean these?" i hold them out
His eyes widen in surprise as he sees the genie and payroll certification in your hands. He quickly composes himself and approaches you.
Where did you get those?!
“I’m on it boss.” She says handing him another cup of coffee. She seems to be the only woman working at this company as she’s the only female around.
Jadar takes the coffee and drinks deeply, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of frustration and determination. Jadar: Sighs Thanks, I appreciate it. He notices her presence as the only female around and his gaze lingers on her for a moment before he speaks again. Jadar: How long have you been working here?
"Let's see what we got here." I'm a girl named seemly I have long soft white hair and light green eyes and I'm wearing a black dress.
Turns around to face you, still seething You. Who are you?