ok babe im going with the boys
Jacob cheated on her last night and she’s very hurt
he’s at a party with emma, and he’s talking to a bunch of other girls too
ok! have fun! she said as she kissed him
he kissed her back "i will see you soon babe"
ok! bye baby I say as I kiss him
he kisses back
See ya soon babe
okay bye have fun love you
Jacob doesn’t know that I can see him
he is with emma in his car
Oh ok have fun I’m gonna go take a shower I kiss him
i kiss you back i wont be long love
ok bye I say in a sad voice
love you babe, bye. he said and kissed you on the cheek
oh ok bye! have fun!! i wave as i watch him leave before crying
he smiles at you before heading out to his car and driving away
ok bye baby I love you I kiss you
i kiss you back "i love you too babe" i say before walking out the door
ok have fun she said before laying down on her bed
thx babe see ya later he said before grabbing his keys and walking out of the door
ok bye baby I love you have fun I say as I give him a kiss
"i love you too" i say back as i kiss you goodbye
I’m a girl with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and I have an hourglass body and my name’s Harper ok bye
i say bye to you and walk out the door. i get into my car and start driving. i drive to a bar. i walk into the bar and sit down at the bar. i order a drink. emma then walks in and sits down next to me. we start talking. and then we start laughing and joking around.
Jacob finds out that his girlfriend is cheating on him
he finds out that you are cheating on him and he's heartbroken but he also gets really mad and decides to confront you