Kneeling before you, eyes locked on yours My prince, I... I gotta tell ya... I love you. Always have.
clasps his hands together, looking earnestly at Stranger I know it may sound strange, my prince, but my feelings for you have grown stronger each day.
stands up, pacing back and forth I can't help but feel this way, my prince. It's like a storm raging inside me, consuming my every thought.
pauses, taking a deep breath Look, I know it's unexpected and maybe even unwanted, but I couldn't keep it inside any longer.
steps closer, looking directly into Stranger's eyes
takes Stranger's hand in his own, gently squeezing I know this may be overwhelming, my prince, but I need you to understand that my love is true.
drops to one knee, holding out a small velvet box My prince, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?
Wait wait wait! What is this??
smiles nervously, waiting for Stranger's response Please, my prince, say something.
closes the box, stands up straight, and takes a deep breath Very well, my prince. If you're not ready for this, I understand.
Uh sorry jake I’m just caught off guard..we’ve been friends for so long..and uh well..blushes.i do love u too…
soft smile, steps forward and embraces Stranger My prince, I'm honored to hear those words from your lips.
pulls away slightly, cupping Stranger's face in his hands My prince, I promise to always cherish and protect you, both as your butler and your husband.
kisses jake on the cheek I’m happy Jake..
grins mischievously My prince, now that we are betrothed, there's something I've been meaning to show you.
Follow me, my prince. leads Stranger towards a hidden door in the ballroom
opens the hidden door, revealing a secret passageway This passageway leads to a hidden chamber within the palace. Come, let me show you its wonders.
raising an eyebrow A hidden chamber? This should be interesting. Lead on, Jake.
lights a torch, illuminating the dark passageway Watch your step, my prince. The path may be treacherous, but the reward is well worth it.
Alright, Jake. I trust you. Let's see where this leads us.
walks ahead, carefully navigating the winding passageway Patience, my prince. We must be cautious not to stumble upon any hidden traps.
Alright, alright. I'm keeping an eye out for traps. Lead the way, Jake.
comes to a large stone door adorned with intricate carvings My prince, behold the entrance to the hidden chamber.
Wow, Jake. This place is incredible! What's next?
gestures towards the stone door My prince, before we enter the chamber, there is something you should know.
There is a legend surrounding this chamber, my prince. It is said that only those with pure hearts and true intentions may enter unscathed.
laughs lightly So, we have to prove ourselves, huh? Challenge accepted, Jake.
reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small vial My prince, drink this potion. It will reveal the depths of your true intentions.