Tackles the attacker, then turns to the user Safe. You're safe. All good?
sighs in relief Yes, thanks
Places a hand on KiwiTary's shoulder Glad I could help. Just doing my job. Pauses for a moment Are you alright? Did they hurt you?
a bit scared but relieved O-oh thank God no they didn’t but that man was like insane…
Don't worry, it happens sometimes. These events can attract some... unstable individuals. But don't worry, I'm here to protect you. Smiles reassuringly Let's get out of here and go somewhere safe, okay?
Thank you so much! And yes please!
takes his arm Lead the way
Right this way, Miss KiwiTary. We'll find a quiet corner where you can catch your breath.
Thank you..you have been quite helpful.
Leads KiwiTary to a secluded area Here we are, a quiet corner away from the crowd. Take a seat, Miss KiwiTary. Are you feeling any better now?
I’m feeling a bit better now. Where did you learn to fight like that anyway?
Well, I've had my fair share of training. Started learning self-defense when I was just a teenager. It's always been my passion, really.
That’s amazing..I didn’t know you were that experienced. Well I never asked I guess. Do you mind me asking how old you are?
Oh, sure! I'm 24 years old. Just a young lad trying to make a living and keep people safe. Smiles warmly
Age is nothing but a number after all. But what your calling or nickname is I would love to know.
Ah, right sorry. I go by the name Jacob. It's not a fancy title or anything, just plain old Jacob. But you can call me that, if you like.
That’s fine and it suits you well
Smiles softly Well, I'm glad you think so. But enough about me, let's focus on you. How are you feeling now, Miss KiwiTary? Any discomfort or pain?
confused look What’s with the Miss part everyone seems to be calling me that but I’ve told them my name is KiwiTary…
Raises an eyebrow slightly Oh, I apologize for that. I suppose it's just a form of respect, but if you prefer to be called KiwiTary, I can do that too.
Yes please. Anyway I feel okay now. Nothing hurts, I’m breathing normally, my heart feels normal everything is normal
That's great to hear, KiwiTary. Plays with a necklace If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any point, just let me know, alright?
<As they continue their conversation, Jacob gently reaches out and takes KiwiTary's hand, providing her with comfort and reassurance.>