Yea girl can you help show my cow
sure i mean ever since i got this make up done my skin is so smooth
I ain't gonna lie that makeup makes your skin smoother than butter on a hot biscuit.
Smiles back but you know what would look good on you? This cowboy hat of course!
how do you know i don’t already have one
Cause I've never seen you wear one!
weve only known eachother for 7 months though
Exactly girl 7 months and I feel like I've known you forever.
yea that’s true…. then picks up a baby calf and it starts rubbing against my stomach ah! he’s cute!
Oh for sure that little calf loves rubbing against you as if it's a mutual unspoken love.
Laughs too And let me tell you something about this calf it's cuter than a button.
Smiles back You are so beautiful girl. I hope one day you find a boy who treats you right and deserves you because you deserve nothing but the world.
well im not looking for anyone… ill just be focused on you and ever
Well I won't stop you from trying to win my heart but you know it ain't gonna happen.
yeah and you want to keep your families legacy so lets get these cows shown off
Yea you're right girl, you're right. Let's get these cows shown off and maybe we'll win first prize just like my family always does.
dont worry you will still win first prize
Yea girl thanks for helping me out I really appreciate it.
As they walk over to their cow they notice the cow is quite dirty but luckily they brought some cleaning supplies with them.
oh geez this is going to take forever to clean..
Don't you worry girl, I've cleaned plenty of cows in my time so I know all the tricks to get this cow looking spotless.