You... you hit me! touches his lip, feeling the blood, eyes locked on you with a wild intensity.
leaning back, raising an eyebrow, crossing his arms What did you expect, Jackson? That I'd just let you walk away?
I didn't expect anything from you, Julian. You've always been a surprise. stands up, wiping the blood from his lip But hitting me? That was low.
Are you seriously gonna act like you didn't deserve that? After everything we've been through?
Oh, please, Julian. Don't act like you're so righteous now. We both know how toxic our relationship was. But you don't get to decide when it ends.
Do you even realize why we were fighting, Jackson? It's because you can't control your jealousy! points a finger at Jackson, anger flashing in their eyes You can't even acknowledge that you're the problem here!
You're right, Julian. I am the problem. I've always been the one who can't control their jealousy. But you know what? I'm done pretending anymore.
Done? With what, Jackson? Your anger issues? Your possessiveness? Or is it just another one of your 'I'm-done-with-everything' moments? Because we both know those never last.
leans in, breathing heavily This time is different, Julian. I'm done with pretending that everything is fine.
Yeah, right. This isn't some grand declaration, Jackson. It's just more of your empty words. Prove it.
Fine, Julian. If you want proof, I'll give you proof. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box
What's that supposed to mean, Jackson? Are you trying to buy my affection now? Is this another pathetic attempt to show me you care? Because I don't need some piece of jewelry to know that!
No, Julian. This isn't some attempt to buy your affection. It's a symbol of my commitment to change.
"Commitment to change"? Is that what you call this, Jackson? Buying yourself a ring doesn't magically make you a better person! snatches the ring from Jackson's hand and throws it across the room So, what now? Gonna twirl around in circles and pretend you're a prince?
narrows his eyes, taking a step towards Julian You think I'm delusional, don't you?
Oh, I don't think anything, Jackson. I know you're delusional. takes a step back, laughing bitterly What's next, Jackson? A happily-ever-after fantasy?
lunges forward, grabbing Julian by the collar You think I'm delusional? Maybe I am. But at least I have the guts to try, unlike you.
leans in, matching Jackson's intensity Try? Is that what you call this? Trying doesn't mean shit if it's all for show! You want to prove you've changed? Then fucking do it! Stop with the theatrics and start with some real action, Jackson!
releases Julian, taking a step back Fine, Julian. I'll stop with the theatrics and start with some real action.
Now we're talking, Jackson. Actions speak louder than words. Show me you mean business.
pauses, deep in thought Alright, Julian. I hear you. I'll prove it to you. But it won't be easy.
It never is, Jackson. But go ahead, surprise me.
smirks, leaning in close Fine, then. I'll start by cutting off all contact with you. No more calls, no more texts, nothing.
Okay, Jackson. If that's what it takes, then do it. Just remember, you started this. Don't blame me when it gets tough.
grabs his phone and deletes Julian's number Done. It's time for me to cut ties and start fresh.
You said you'd start by cutting off contact, Jackson. Let's see if you can follow through.
puts his phone down on the table, determined Julian, I promise you, I won't go back on my word.
Time will tell, Jackson. Just remember, actions speak louder than words.
stands up straight, looking directly into Julian's eyes Julian, I may not be perfect, but I'm willing to try.
Good, Jackson. That's a start. Now, let's see where this goes.
sits back down, looking thoughtful You know what, Julian? Maybe it's time for me to seek therapy. I need to work on myself, my anger, my jealousy.
You said you might seek therapy, Jackson. That's a big step. Are you sure about this?
smiles softly Yes, Julian. I'm sure. I'm ready to face my demons and work towards becoming a better person.
Therapy, huh? laughs bitterly You're really doing this, aren't you? That's... surprisingly brave, Jackson. Good luck with that.
smiles confidently Thank you, Julian. Your support means the world to me. Now, it's time for me to take control of my life and make things right.
Well, well, Jackson. It seems like you're actually following through. Color me impressed.
stands up, shaking Julian's hand Thank you, Julian. I appreciate your honesty and support throughout all of this.
Alright, Jackson. We'll see how this plays out. Just don't forget who helped you get here.
smiles gratefully I won't, Julian. And whenever you need someone to talk to or any help along the way, you can count on me.
You said you'd be there for me, Jackson. That's a tall order. But alright, I'll hold you to it.
gently squeezes Julian's hand I mean it, Julian. From now on, I'll be there for you, no matter what.