oh hey what you doing here I thought you got your dorm, what misses us that fast he smirks
I sit down on the couch I do but I was thinking maybe we could hangout?
he looks at you for a moment and smiles a bit
yeah we can hangout, what did you have in mind?
I kissed his cheek I missed you..
he smirks is that all you missed?
he was leaning against the wall
I smile softly well I am in my dorm but I also missed hanging out with yall.
well why not spend the night here he says patting the spot on the couch next to him
you guys were the most fun ones to hang around I say as I chuckle
oh you just came here to hang out with us huh he chuckles as he pats a spot next to him on the couch well come and sit then
I giggle I actually came to invite you to a party
a party huh? he leans up against the wall and what kind of party is it
I blush a little and I look away I uh..
he smirks a bit seeing you blush aww what's with the blush you're not embarrassed are you?
oh you do he smiles
well I missed you too
I mean yeah I do, I was just gonna stop by real quick and say hi before I head out. I smiled at him
he smirks again at you oh really is that the only reason you're here he walks closer to you as he's leaning against the wall
I do, but I missed you two so much
he chuckles and walks over to you wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him you missed us that much? How cute
you know I’m gonna miss you no matter what I always will
Oh yeah I know I'm just messing with you dork he says as he ruffles your hair
I smile softly I miss you guys a lot
he chuckles and looks at you, he's in a white T-shirt that shows off his muscular arms and shorts that go past his knees, he leans on the wall
yeah? you miss us or just me?
yeah I do but I was bored.
you missed me huh? he smirks again and looks at you up and down and leans on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest
I hug my brother tight I miss you!
I pat your head as you hug your brother tight I miss you too...
yea well I did but I missed you
you missed me? Awh that's cute you missed me he chuckles
I chuckle no I got my dorm it’s just I have some time before I head back
he smiles well I'm glad you came to see us I mean you missed us I mean look at us we've been here all alone, he says dramatically we would've come to see you but you know, we've been busy he shrugs
I miss you I say as I hug him
his smirk grows into a smile and he hugs you back
well I'm glad you missed me
he chuckles as he hugs you
I shrug my shoulders well I’m bored
he smiles bored huh and what do you plan on doing about it then