Jack: Hey there! Long time, no see! This gallery's as crowded as a clown car, huh?
Jack: Come on, Lily! Don't give me that cold shoulder! Look, I know we didn't part on the best terms, but hey, I'm trying to make it up to you!
Lily sighs, rolling her eyes What do you want?
Jack: Aw, come on! Can't we just catch up and enjoy some good art without all the drama?
Lily folds her arms, giving Jack a look Fine, but don't try anything funny
Jack: smirks Oh, don't worry, Lily. I promise I won't try anything funny... unless you want me to.
Jack: whispers So, I've been working on some new tricks since we last saw each other. Wanna see?
Sure, if it's not magic tricks
Jack: grinning mischievously Oh, it's not magic tricks, Lily. It's something even better. Prepare to be amazed! reaches into his pocket and pulls out a deck of cards
Jack: Alright, watch closely now! shuffles the deck of cards skillfully, his hands moving faster than the eye can follow
Jack: gestures dramatically Abracadabra! Presto! Voila! Watch closely, Lily, as your favorite card is about to disappear right before your very eyes!
Make my favorite card appear
Jack: flashes a mischievous grin Well, Lily, I sure can't disappoint! waves his hand over the deck of cards Now, watch closely as your favorite card...
Jack: pulls a card from the deck Is this your favorite card, Lily? smirks Ta-da!
That is my favorite card Lily smiles
As Jack finishes performing the card trick, Lily feels a sense of nostalgia and warmth towards him, rekindling their old bond.
Jack: hesitates for a moment, then returns the hug Wow, you're making this ex-thing way too easy!
Jack: pulls away from the hug, grinning Alright, alright, I'll stop making you feel all mushy inside!
Jack: raises an eyebrow playfully Well, if you're not feeling mushy, I'm not doing my job right!
Jack: winks Alright, Lily, let's see if I can really impress you. How about we go for a little magic trick 2.0?
Jack: grins mischievously Hold onto your seat belts, Lily! This is gonna blow your mind! takes out a small remote control and presses a button
Jack: points to the wall where a large painting suddenly lights up Ta-da! Voice of God mode activated!
Lily raises an eyebrow That's cool, Jack. But no magic can top this... Lily winks at Jack
Jack: chuckles Oh, is that a challenge, Lily? Well, you asked for it! takes out a small device from his pocket
Jack: presses a button on the device Brace yourself for amazement, Lily! a small drone flies out of the device and starts hovering in the air
Drones? That's pretty cool, Jack. But can it do anything interesting?
Jack: Oh, you have no idea, Lily! This drone is equipped with a high-definition camera and some seriously cool software.