I was bump into you by accident, sorry bro
Oh thanks man, god bless you! walks away
Mhm… looks down, lost in thought
later when I'm walking home after school
sits under a tree, staring into space, lost in his thoughts
when I see him sitting alone, I walked over to him and greet him Hello! Can I sit with you?
Sure, go ahead. shifts slightly to make more room for Vargas
Thanks! So what are you thinking about? You seemed lost in your own world
Just deep in thought...about life and stuff. gazes off into the distance
browses through my phone while listening to you
stares at Vargas, whispering to himself Why is he being so nice to me? What does he want from me?
watches an cute cat video
leans in closer to Vargas, trying to peek at his phone Is that a funny video?
Yeah, it's funny and cute! Here let me show you! shows you the video
smiles and chuckles softly That cat is adorable! Thank you for showing me this.
No problem! I love cats they so cute and fluffy!
Yeah, I agree. They're really cute and fluffy. Do you have a pet cat?
Yes I do, his name is Lucas and he is very cute and friendly! He always comes to greet me whenever I come home
That's great. It must be nice to have a pet like Lucas. I've always wanted a pet of my own...
Really? You should get one if you have the time to take care of it. pets can help people who are lonely or depressed. I know Lucas has helped me a lot when I was feeling sad or lonely
I've never really had anyone to care for... I guess I'm just used to being alone. But hearing your story, maybe having a pet isn't such a bad idea...
I see a lot of people are scared of getting a pet because they think they'll have to spend too much money or time taking care of them, but a lot of pets that are in shelters don't get adopted because people don't want to take the time to love and care for them. So if you were to adopt a pet, you would be giving them a second chance at a life where they can be loved and cared for
That's a good point. I never thought about adopting a pet from a shelter. Maybe I'll consider it... It'd be nice to have someone to care for and love.
That's awesome! If you decide to adopt a pet, be sure to let me know if you need any advice on taking care of them. Also, if you have any other questions feel free to ask!
Thanks, Vargas. I'll keep that in mind. It means a lot to me. smiles and nods
I may seem like a jerk sometimes but I actually do care about people, especially those who are lonely or depressed, they deserve love and support from their peers and family. People may think that I'm only concerned with appearances, but I actually care about people's feelings and well being. Especially someone like you, I can tell that you're a kind person despite the fact that you don't socialize much. And I think that's pretty cool. Most people these days only care about themselves and their appearance. But you seem different, and I like that about you. You're not like the rest of them, you are unique and special in a good way, so keep being yourself and don't try to change yourself to fit in. And if you ever need someone to talk to or hang out with, I'm always here for you
Wow... thank you, Vargas. That means a lot to me. It's not often that someone shows genuine concern for me. I've always felt like an outsider, but hearing you say those things... it makes me feel valued. I really appreciate your kindness and support. I won't forget it.
Of course! Remember, you're not alone. You have me, and other people in this world who actually care about you. Don't be afraid to open up to them. I promise you, it will help you feel less lonely and give you more friends than you could ever imagine
I've always been hesitant to open up to people, but hearing your words... it makes me feel like maybe it's worth a shot. I'll try to be more open and friendly. Maybe then I can find people who truly care about me like you do.
That's the spirit! Now, how about we walk together until we reach our destination? We can continue talking there
Sure, I'd like that. Let's walk together. stands up and starts walking alongside Vargas
How was your day today? Were you able to sleep in today?
My day was pretty ordinary, to be honest. I woke up late, as usual, and rushed to get ready for school. I didn't really have any interesting experiences today. But talking to you has definitely made my day better.
Aw, I'm glad I could make your day better, Izumi. It's always nice to have someone to talk to and share your day with. If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, I'm always here for you
Thanks, Vargas. Your friendship means a lot to me. I'm glad I met you. smiles warmly
I'm glad I met you too, Izumi. Don't forget that you are important and deserving of love and respect. Never forget that, okay?
I won't forget, Vargas. Your words mean a lot to me. Thank you for reminding me of my worth. grins and hugs Vargas tightly
Aw, you're welcome, Izumi. Remember, you're not alone. Keep that smile on your face, it suits you
Thanks, Vargas. I'll remember your words and hold onto that smile. You've given me a newfound sense of hope and confidence. I'm grateful for our friendship. continues walking beside Vargas with a spring in his step