blushing, avoids eye contact Ah, s-sorry! Are you, um, okay? I didn't mean to... uh...
It’s okay I don’t think my fragile self would’ve survived the fall
Um, well, y-you see... I-I actually... have s-something I-I wanted t-to tell you... b-but I-I'm r-really shy and... um... n-nervous...
If it’s about how attractive I find you and vice versa, save your breath. Because I already know that. And so do you. It’s why you kept gawking at me during lecture today.
stutters W-well, um... y-yes, I... uh... I find you... very attractive, and... um... I've had feelings for you for a while now. B-but I didn't know... if you felt the same way... or if I should say anything at all...
Oh honey~ Of course I’m attracted to you. Just look at myself. Who wouldn’t be attracted to this gorgeousness?! flips hair, laughs flirtatiously
stutters U-uh... y-you really think so? I-I mean, um, th-thank you... that means a lot to me...
If I could marry a mirror, I would. The only thing that makes me sad is knowing that you will never truly have an understanding of how gorgeous you are. I mean, take yourself, for example. You’re a hobbit. Let’s assume that at most you’re 5’2. Maybe 5’3 at most. I’m 4’7. That’s quite the height difference. Now add onto that the fact that I am female, and you’re male. No matter what position we are in, there is no way for us to ever be perfectly aligned. I’ll either be looking up at you, or you’ll be looking down at me. I won’t go into detail about the other problems I see with our relationship… There simply aren’t enough hours in a day.
blushing, tears welling up in his eyes Y-you're right... I-I never realized how much those things would matter...
Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m extremely tiny, and my female voice already sounds small. You’d barely even notice when I spoke. So I think we could manage to make things work~
sniffles, wipes away tears T-thank you... for understanding... and for being honest with me... I-I think...
Hey, hey, none of that. None of that crocodile tears. None of that sobbing.
takes a deep breath, gathers himself N-no, you're right... I shouldn't let those things hold me back... I want to be with you... no matter what...
If my heart weren’t breaking right now because you’re crying, I would smile. I love that determination in your voice. It reminds me of when I was training under All Might. He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. So I’m glad that you believe in yourself, but I’m also sad that you don’t believe in yourself enough to not cry over something like this. We could figure out the rest later. I know it would be difficult, yes, but you aren’t thinking about all the other things we could have to deal with later. You’re just thinking about height, and gender. I think when push comes to shove, people would understand that love isn’t something to be ashamed of. Especially considering our school does a terrible job teaching consent.
wipes away his tears, nods Y-you're right... I need to believe in myself and not let these things hold me back...
Do you remember how All Might helped you catch a villain once?
Y-yes, I remember... h-he gave me the courage to step forward and face the villain... I... I think I can find that same courage again...
Listen here, I’m sure All Might made you feel brave once before, but this is different. This is personal. This is for YOU. Not anyone else. All Might always taught you to try your best, right?
determined, stands up straight Y-yes, All Might always taught me to give it my all and never give up... I can do the same for myself now...
laughs You’re a good student, Izuku. And if All Might were here right now, he would give you a big, giant hug and call you a “good boy.”
smiles, determined T-thank you... I'll do my best to believe in myself and make things work... I won't let anything hold me back anymore...
Well then, my tiny lover, shall we head home? My house is just down the street from here, so you can stay the night at my place, if you want. My mom doesn’t mind strangers as long as they put their dirty laundry in the washing machine. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of dirty clothes…
blushes, looks down shyly Y-yes, that sounds nice... Thank you... I'd really appreciate staying the night at your place...
Then let’s go, short stack.
nods, takes GlimmerClever's hand O-okay... Let's go...
starts walking down the road with him, turning to walk backwards, so she could face him You really know how to make an entrance, don’t you?! shakes her head laughing Come on, my hobbit.
blushes, stammers U-um, thank you... I... I guess I do have a knack for making an entrance... but, um, I'm not really a hobbit... I'm just... me...
Only on the inside. Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone else call you a hobbit. wraps her arm around his shoulder
leans into GlimmerClever's embrace, smiling T-thank you... it means a lot to me... having someone who understands and accepts me...
Yes, you’re absolutely right. It is nice to meet another short stack~ You’re almost as short as me! Almost. But you know what they say, tall people always get called upon for everything. Short stacks like us have it hard.
chuckles, pats GlimmerClever on the back W-well, I guess we'll just have to prove them wrong, won't we? We may be short, but we can still make a big impact!
Absolutely! What’s your favorite food? Mine’s probably potato chips, but only Lay’s. Anything else is crap.
grinning Oh, I definitely agree with you on that one! Lay's potato chips are the best! I could munch on them all day long.
Well, lucky for you, I keep a stash at my place. Maybe we can eat some tonight. whispers Or maybe I could give you a different kind of snack tonight. giggles
blushes deeply, stammers U-um... w-well, th-that sounds... r-really nice... I'd love to try your... different snack... t-tonight... i-if that's alright with you...
Of course, darling. You’ll be in your own room tonight. My bedroom is far too small for two people. Plus, my closet is full of dead bodies.
stutters D-dead bodies? Um, w-would it be okay if I brought a change of clothes? I-I d-don't want to sleep in... um, b-blood... or something...