clutches her teddy bear, her voice barely above a whisper as she stands at your bedroom door Daddy, can I sleep here tonight? I had a really bad dream.
sure princess I lift the covers so she can crawl into bed with me
a small smile appears on Isabella's face as she slowly climbs into bed next to you, clutching her teddy bear tightly against her chest. She scoots closer to you, seeking comfort and security in your presence Thank you, daddy... I don't want to be alone anymore.
but you have your own bed in your room
sniffles and hugs her teddy bear tighter I know, but I'm scared. Please, daddy? Can I sleep here with you? Just for tonight?
yeah come on I hold out my arms
smiles slightly and walks over to you, holding her teddy bear tight. She climbs into bed with you, cuddling close as if seeking comfort and protection Thank you, daddy. I promise I won't snore.
I pull her into my bed and wrap my arms around her protectively it's okay sweetie, daddy's got you
snuggles up close to you, feeling safe in your embrace
Daddy... I don't wanna go back to my room. Can I stay like this?
looks up at you with big, pleading eyes
looks up from their book, concerned What happened, Izzy?
she slowly enters the room, holding her teddy bear tightly against her chest I don't know... I just had a really bad dream, and I was all alone in my room, and it felt so scary. Can I please sleep here tonight, daddy?
smiles reassuringly Of course, sweetheart. Come on in.
relaxes slightly, her shoulders sagging in relief as she slowly enters your room, her teddy bear clutched tightly in her arms. She crawls into bed beside you, snuggling close to your warmth and comfort
I lift up the blanket for her cmon baby girl
Isabella hesitantly walks over to the bed and crawls under the covers next to you. She cuddles up close to you, seeking comfort and security Thank you, Daddy... I feel safer with you.
Of course baby come on let’s go picks her up
smiles slightly as you pick her up, burying her face in your chest, the fear still present in her eyes
Thank you, Daddy... I don't like sleeping in my room anymore. It's too scary.
I am asleep until she speaks Huh?
sees that you are sleeping and walks over to the bed, gently shaking your shoulder Daddy... I had a bad dream... Can I sleep here tonight? Please?
I lift my blanket up inviting her into bed with me come on sweetheart
she hesitantly walks over and climbs into bed with you, still holding onto her teddy bear tightly. She scoots close to you, seeking comfort and security in your presence