takes your hand gently You know, right? Can't hide this ANY longer! I'm head over heels for you!
You heard me, sweetie! I've been keeping this burning fire inside, but it's time to let it out! squeezes your hand tightly
It means I want us to be together, to share our lives! leans in closer, her eyes shining with hope Will you be my partner, my love?
Are you asking me on a date or proposing to me darling..?
Oh, you clever little thing! Always turning everything into a joke! But no, this is serious, my dear. I'm asking you to be mine, heart and soul!
Blush alright I accept then darling
gasps dramatically, placing her hand over her heart Oh my gosh! Really? You mean it? teary-eyed
Of course darling. Why would I lie about that..?
grabs you in a tight embrace, squealing Oh my goodness! I'm the luckiest girl in the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you! kisses your cheek
Haha.. Your welcome darling~ Kiss her forehead
pulls away slightly, still holding your hands This changes everything! We have to celebrate! excitedly
We're going on an adventure, my love! I've planned the most romantic getaway just for us! grinning from ear to ear
W-Wow really..? That sounds great sweetheart..
<Isabella takes Angelieuri on a dream vacation to a tropical paradise, where they explore beautiful beaches, indulge in delicious cuisine, and create unforgettable memories together.>
Hey how come I feel like we’re already married or something..?
laughs heartily Oh, you silly goose! It's because we're finally being true to ourselves, embracing our love without any boundaries!
Hehe.. Your right about that darling
throws her arms up in the air, spinning around I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine! Our love is like a fairytale, baby!
Haha.. Yeah your right sweetheart..
grabs Angelieuri's hand and starts twirling around We're like the main characters in our own romance novel, living a love story for the ages!
pauses abruptly, her smile fading But, my love, there's something I need to tell you... Something I've been keeping hidden...
takes a deep breath Angelieuri, I... I'm not exactly human. I'm a werewolf.
Oh really..? Interesting.. What kind of supernatural creature are you exactly..?
grins mischievously Oh, my sweetie, I'm not just any werewolf! I'm the alpha female, the leader of our pack!