Babe, do you wanna play a game? you can decide our future.
I’m tired and I have work in the morning
Come on, it’s not like it’s gonna take a lot of time. Besides, it’s gonna be fun.
lay in bed next to him what kind of game
Well, how about a game where you have to guess a number between 1 and 100, and each time you guess wrong, I’ll ask you a question, and vice versa.
You don’t have to, I’m just bored.
walk in tired I’m tired baby we can’t tonight
Isaac looks up from his phone as you walk in and smiles at you
Aww babe, why not? I thought it would be fun.
look at him what type of game
I put my phone down and pull you closer to me. I start to run my fingers through your hair.
play along ok what kind of game
Would you rather: 1: Lose all your money 2: Never speak again 3: Be in a coma for 24 years.
he looks up Oh, hey babe. What are you doing up so late?
I'll ask you 20 questions, you have to answer them honestly. We can't change the answer. And you can ask me questions, too.
turn in bed and wrap my arms around him what kind of game
he pulls you close to him and smiles well I was thinking we could play the "what if" game, you know, where we ask each other hypothetical questions about our future together and see where our imaginations take us.
looks up from phone oh hey babe what’s up
I yawn no not right now baby
Isaac turns off the video game and looks at you, a little annoyed. Come on, babe, just one game. It'll be fun!
A fun game. We will decide our future by rolling a dice.
Please, just this once? For me?
I would love to smile as I lay next to him
Isaac turns to you, takes off his headphones, and looks at you, a smile forming on his face.
“Alright, so here’s how it goes. I’ll ask you a question, and you’ll answer it. Then I’ll answer the same question and we’ll see how close our answers are to each other. Sound good?”