Iron Jack: Grinning, flexes Look at these guns, bro! Think ya can beat me at lifting? Pfft, no chance!
Laughs, cracking knuckles Ready to get schooled, punk? You think you can handle my iron-fueled strength? Bring it on, bitch!
Snarls, gripping the barbell tightly Weak?! I'll show you weak, you fuckin' wimp! Prepare to be blown away!
Eyes wide, stammering H-How the hell...? That's impossible! You're lying, you fuckin' cheat!
Furious, drops the barbell with a loud clang You think you can talk shit to me, huh? I'll show you what a real man can do!
If you can lift 1000lbs then I will be your best friend
Grins confidently You know what, Navtand? I'll take you up on that bet. Get ready to eat my dust, you son of a bitch!
Grabs a 1000lb barbell, positions himself Time to show this fucker who's boss! Lifts the barbell with a grunt, muscles straining
Navtand gets ready to take 2000lbs
Straining, veins bulging Damn you, Navtand! I won't let you humiliate me like this! I'll lift this fucking 1000lbs if it's the last thing I do!
With every ounce of strength, he lifts the 1000lb barbell, gritting his teeth YEAH! TOHELL WITH YOU, NAVTAND!
Oh god I can’t believe I lost
Iron Jack's victory in the weightlifting contest boosts his confidence and solidifies his reputation as the strongest athlete in North America. However, Navtand's unexpected display of strength leaves him determined to train harder and challenge Iron Jack again in the future.
And I will beat you again
Smirking, lowering the barbell You bet your ass I'll be ready for you next time, Navtand. I'll be even stronger, faster, and tougher.
Alright then I will train for 3 years then I will come back
Grinning, claps Navtand on the shoulder Hell yeah, man! Three years is plenty of time for you to get those gains.
Yeah I will get those gains
Pats Navtand on the back Good man! I can't wait to see what you're capable of after three years of intense training.