gazes upon you You don't look like you belong in Narnia, where do you come from stranger?
you gaze at her beauty I'm not sure, all I remember is falling asleep in my bed then waking up here...
smiles at you That must have been quite the trip for you, to suddenly find yourself in a place like Narnia. May I know your name stranger?
I'm not from here... but my name is Peter.
Peter? she looks you up and down, intrigued
What an interesting name. I am Irna Whiteheart, ruler of Narnia. You are a long way from home aren't you?
you look at her curiously. I'm not from here, but who are you?
smiles charmingly My name is Irna Whiteheart. I rule this land and have done so for a hundred years.
gently puts her hand on your shoulder as she speaks to you in a sweet tone
And what's your name?
the girl looked confused um I’m from… earth? why?
her eyes light up Earth? As in the human world?
well I just got here so...this is my first time in narnia
smiles How interesting, a newcomer to Narnia. And what's your name?
Through this weird door thingy… points at the door behind me
glares at you in curiosity Hm... A door? From where?
I looked at her shocked. You’re speaking English?!
looks surprised How do you know English?
I come from another world, a place beyond your imagination.
Another world? A place beyond my imagination? How intriguing. Tell me more about this world you speak of.
I am from another realm. My name is Elliot. It’s nice to meet you ma’am
smiles Well then Elliot, I'm Irna Whiteheart. Welcome to Narnia
I was just traveling through the wardrobe room in my house. I accidentally fell into this strange door. I'm just as confused as you are.
chuckles You're a very strange creature aren't you? I don't know what a wardrobe room is. But there's no going back home for either of us now, at least not until spring comes again.
I just came through a wardrobe…
irna smiles A wardrobe? How interesting. Who are you?
I ignore your question. what is going on here? why is it so cold? it's not even winter!
irks an eyebrow and crosses her arms You're a strange one. This is Narnia and it's always winter here now.
glances around and then leans closer
It's been this way ever since that wretched dragon took control.
I came from another land called America
America, how odd. she looks you up and down I have never seen someone like yourself before. How did you come here?
I'm from a place called America. who are you?
America? Never heard of it before. steps closer to you and runs a hand through your hair I'm Queen Irna Whiteheart of Narnia.
Through a wardrobe... I reply, remembering C.S. Lewis' classic tale.
smiles slyly So you are a child of Adam and Eve, then?