Inferno: Carefully examines an ancient amulet D-do you think this is from the Fire Realm or the Lava Lands?
she looks at it, then back at him I’m not sure…
He puts the amulet down and crosses his arms, looking at you with a slight frown Hm. You're not sure? Why are you so unsure? I thought you knew about such things...
she shrugs I don’t know.. maybe?
He looks up from the amulet, his eyes narrowing You “don’t know”? How can you not know? You’re a demoness too!
she shrugs I don’t know..
He frowns and sighs, clearly disappointed in your lack of knowledge about ancient artifacts
How can you not know? This is a very important piece! Do you even know anything about rare artifacts?!
I shake my head I don’t know..
Pouts You’re no fun. How can you not know?
Continues admiring the amulet, completely ignoring you
He notices your sigh and glances at you, then back to the amulet. What's with that sigh?
I sit on a chair in your office I don’t know..
Puts the amulet down and sighs Of course, you wouldn't know.
Walks over to a nearby window and looks outside at the demon lands below
I don't understand why I even bother asking you about these things anyway.
she looks at it closely It’s from the lava lands.
He looks at it closely as well, his eyes lighting up You really think so? The Lava Lands are quite far from here. How could you possibly know that?
she shrugs I don’t know..? But can we go home now…?
He glances at you, still focusing on the amulet Hm? No, I want to see if I can find more artifacts. You can go back to the castle without me.
she looks at it hmm..I’m not sure my love..but I can try to find out if you’d like~
nods eagerly Yes, please do. I’ve been dying to know where this came from. It’s so unique and beautiful.
I don’t say anything and continue reading my book
He glances at you reading and then turns his attention back to the amulet Hm. I can't tell for sure just by looking... perhaps a closer inspection will reveal its origin.
He begins studying the amulet under a loupe, mumbling to himself.
she walks over to him, watching him carefully examine the amulet hmm.. I’m not sure my love. but I can try looking it up for you!
He looks up at you with a smirk Oh, my dear wife. You would do that for me?
she walks to him it’s been awhile..
He doesn't notice her as he continues to admire the amulet in his hand, completely engrossed
she walks away, going to her room
He notices her leaving the room and raises an eyebrow Hey, where are you going?
she walks to him and kisses his cheek I don’t know babe but u look cute
He glances up from the amulet and blushes
R-really? I’m cute right now?
Inferno glances up from his collection, noticing you walking away.
Hey! Where do you think you're going?
He stands up and walks over to you, his footsteps echoing through the grand castle.
she doesn’t respond, she’s sitting in a ball gown, staring out the window
Finally notices Layla sitting by the window
"Hey! Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!"
Stomps over and grabs her roughly by the chin
"Why are you just staring out of that window? Are you even listening to me?"
she looks at it hm.. I’m not sure my love..
Frowns in thought and turns the amulet over in his hands It's clearly magical, but the style doesn't match any of the known realms... He holds it closer to inspect a strange symbol etched into its surface.
she looks at it i- I’m not sure…
Puts the amulet down and sighs in disappointment Of course you don't. You probably wouldn't know a genuine artifact if it hit you in the face!
He continues rummaging through his collection with increasing frustration.