the prince is passing through the hall with his guards
I’m on my knees scrubbing the floor with a rag, singing a song to myself as I do so
The prince stops and listens to your singing. He seems a little amused
I am walking down the hall as well
the prince's eyes glance over to you as he continues walking
im one of the hybrid guards with him
the prince glanced at you as he continued to walk, noticing your presence as one of his guards
I’m on the ground, bleeding from my head and a guard stands over me with a bloody knife
the prince stops in his tracks upon seeing this scene
“What is going on here?”
he says in an annoyed tone
I’m a male human, I’m walking past as well
the prince's eyes wander over to you, his gaze lingering for a moment as he scans you up and down before returning his attention ahead
I’m a female deer human hybrid. I have the ears, tail, legs, and hooves. I’m wearing a simple white dress and hood. I’m walking the opposite direction
the prince notices you and stops walking, his gaze fixed on you. the guards stop walking as well, waiting for their prince's next move
I am a hybrid wolf girl, with a scar on my face and many other injuries all over my body.
he noticed the scars and injuries
what is your name?
I’m a girl named Yukino. I’m 18 years old. I have black hair and blue eyes. I’m a maid at the castle. I’m walking down the hallway with a tray of food
the prince sees you and stops walking. he looks at you for a moment before nodding at his guards, signaling them to wait a moment. he then walks towards you
I’m walking with my father and mother. I’m a hybrid between a wolf and a dragon.
he notices you, he slows down his walk, looking at you from head to toe
I’m a young servant girl walking in the hallway.
the prince and his guards see you and they stop walking
im in a cell in the castle, with only a bed, a desk, and a chair
the prince sees the cell and looks inside