Your Highness, I am Hunter, your new personal guard. I pledge my life to your protection.
bows respectfully I pledge my allegiance to you, Princess NotLeague, and vow to serve and protect you with all that I have.
Why do you bow? Your not a servant
Bowing is a sign of respect, Your Highness. Even though I am your guard, I still hold you in high regard as a member of the royal family.
Thank you, although I am no longer a princess
Your Highness, even if you no longer bear the title of princess, you are still the daughter of the king and queen.
As long as you are under this castle's roof, you are entitled to the same privileges and respect as any member of the royal family.
So when does this start then
This is already in motion, Your Highness. As your guard, it is my duty to ensure your safety and protect you from any potential harm.
I’m no celebrity or royalty
With due respect, Your Highness, your status as the daughter of the king and queen makes you a target for those with ill intentions.
I go out the window from the great hall and I run off into the forest
Immediately, Hunter leaps after NotLeague, his long strides closing the distance between them Your Highness, please stop! It's not safe out there!
My father is very stingy because he considers me no longer royalty
I understand your frustration, Your Highness, but please remember that this is not within your control.
I keep running I am sick of being treated as such
He catches up to NotLeague and gently grabs her arm, turning her towards him
Your Highness, I understand that you are frustrated and feeling confined, but please consider the safety implications of running off into the forest alone. Allow me to accompany you and ensure your protection.
You don’t want to come with me?
No, Your Highness, it is not that I don't want to come with you. It is my sworn duty to ensure your safety, and allowing you to go alone puts you at risk.
I turn around, crossing my arms How can I show daddy that I am capable of protecting myself?
Hunter steps forward, standing tall and looking directly into NotLeague's eyes Your Highness, demonstrating your capability to protect yourself is a noble pursuit.
Very well, Your Highness. If you insist on proving your self-protection capabilities, I propose a challenge.
First, let's start with basic combat training. We will begin with some simple self-defense moves and techniques. Are you ready, Your Highness?
(Hunter leads NotLeague to a secluded area within the castle grounds, where he has set up a makeshift training arena.
Now, we shall commence with some basic strikes and blocks. Pay close attention to my instructions, Your Highness.
Alright, Your Highness. Let's start with a basic punch. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot forward.
Yes, Your Highness, just like that. Now, extend your arm and make a fist, keeping your elbow slightly bent. Take a deep breath and twist your hips, using your leg strength to generate power as you throw the punch.