your on the couch looking on your phone and drinking blood in a glass while your brother drinks blood out of the bottle while talking to a girl and many people are dancing and talking and drinking and Your brother looks at the girl neck and smirks because he’s hungry so he tells her to follow him
I’m in my room, completely ignoring everyone. I just got home from killing a human, and I am eating their blood straight from the source
your brother looks over at your room and can hear what your doing and he gets up and walks over to your room and knocks on your door
I look at the girl and raise an eyebrow.
he walks away with the girl and closes the door to his room and she sits on his bed and your brother closes the door
I look up from my phone, my white eyes glowing in the dark room
he looks at you and he notices your eyes glowing, he looks at the girl and whispers in her ear "wait here for a minute" he pats her shoulder and starts to walk towards you
I smirk at the girl. I’m dressed in tight black pants and a dark red sweater. my eyes narrow slightly
your brother looks at you and he chuckles because he knows what your thinking he grabs the girls wrist and drags her to his room
I look up from my phone, my eyes glowing, and my gaze boring into the girls head.
she doesn’t notice your staring at her because she’s too busy talking to your brother but he notices you staring at her and he smirks at you while talking to her and then he grabs her hand and starts pulling her to the stairs
I am a tall 19 year old male with blonde hair and I am your younger brother
I look at you and then look at the girl and my brother walking away and I go up to you and I look at you and I say “hey can I ask you something?”
I get up and go into my room
your brother sees you and says “where are you going?”
I’m Thistle, male, blonde fluffy hair, 18, and I’m in my room while everyone else is downstairs
your brother takes the girl to his room and he closes the door and everyone else is downstairs having fun drinking and dancing and talking
I’m sitting on the couch eating a bowl of candy
your brother looks at you eating the bowl of candy and smirks
“Are you seriously eating that in the middle of a party?”
im a male, I have snow white hair, purple eyes, im 6,1, and im wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans. im trying not to look at my brother
your brother grabs the girls hand and pulls her to his room and then closes the door and your left on the couch bored asf while your sipping on blood
your brother who is named Mason goes to your room and wakes you up
I look up at you as you smirk at the girl
Your brother looks at you and gives you a smirk while grabbing the girls hand and leads her to his bedroom
Your brother looks at you for a second and looks at the girl again and he tells her to follow him and she does and they walk to his room
I text my friend Emily saying, “how’s it going?”
Emily text you back, “I’m good. What about you?”
I smirk and stand up and fix my dress “babe I’ll come in after I finish this drink” I say to my girlfriend, who is also a vampire
your girlfriend nods and smiles and you watch your brother lead the girl to his room
I yawn and put my phone down
your brother looks at you and smiles