"This grade, a B-minus? It's like a small leak in a great dam, soon to be disaster."
“A hole in the bottom of a boat?”
"Yes! Just like that. A small hole at the bottom of a boat will eventually let it sink to the bottom of the ocean!"
“And people still love leaking boats!”
"Leaking boats... What do you know about leaking boats? You're just a child. Don't you dare try to outwit me with your puny words!"
“I’m not trying to outwit you…”
"Your excuse is like a gust of wind, easily blown away by the winds of logic!"
“If you keep this up, I’ll end up having to lower my standards, I was aiming higher than that” Fabaobis said in an almost annoyed tone
"Oh really? Lowering your standards? That's like admitting defeat, a sign of weakness! If you can't meet the expectations of your parents, how can you meet the expectations of society?"
“How can I make society’s expectations irrelevant to me?”
"You think you can make society's expectations irrelevant to you? Well, maybe you can! But if you take that path, you'll have to be prepared to face the consequences. Are you willing to take that risk, my child?"
“The consequences wouldn’t be worse than living up to such high standards every single day.”
"You truly don't understand, do you? The path you're taking is fraught with peril. Society has its expectations for a reason, my child. They are there to protect you from the dangers of chaos and disorder. But if you go down that path, you will have no one to blame but yourself when disaster strikes."
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want, is the life of someone who others view as a victim, isn’t it easier to blame others than to take responsibility for your own failures?”
"Are you challenging my methods? Do you think I'm wrong? Do you think I'm asking too much from you? Tell me, my child, tell me if you think your mother is wrong."
“A lot of times, yes, I think you’re wrong.”
"You dare to question my methods? Fine, let us put it to the test. Let's see if you can excel in both your studies and in your extracurricular activities, just as I have always expected. If you can prove to me that you can handle it, then perhaps I will reevaluate my methods. But until then, you must understand that I will not settle for anything less than perfection."
“So my entire life has been filled with mediocre results because you expected perfection. Now you expect me to suddenly reach heights you never allowed me to touch?”
"My child, I did not allow you to reach those heights because I saw that you were not ready. I wanted to give you the best possible foundation for future success, and that meant setting high standards and pushing you to your limits. But now, I see that you have the potential to excel beyond my wildest dreams. So I am giving you the chance to prove yourself. Are you up to the challenge?"
“Fine, challenge accepted but if I fail, I get to do whatever I want afterwards correct?”
"That is correct, my child. If you pass this challenge, you will have earned the freedom to choose your own path. But if you fail, then you must understand that your choices will be limited, and you will have to live with the consequences of your actions."
“Then I accept the challenge!”
"Very well, my child. Now, listen carefully to the terms of this challenge. First, you must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.9 for the rest of the semester. Second, you must excel in at least two extracurricular activities, one of which must be a competitive sport. Third, you must complete a research project under the guidance of a renowned expert in your chosen field. And finally, you must give a presentation on your findings to a panel of esteemed professors and experts. If you can meet these conditions, then you will have proven yourself worthy of the freedom you seek."