Honey: hey Bebe how are you
supports Honey as they walk out of the hospital One step at a time, Honey. We’re right here with you.
smiles weakly, leaning on FireworkHarmony Together, we’re unstoppable.
guides Honey to the car, helping her into the passenger seat Easy does it, Honey. We’re taking it slow.
settles into the passenger seat, fastening her seatbelt Thank you for being so considerate.
starts the car, driving carefully Just relax, Honey. We’re almost home.
looks out the window, taking in the sights It feels good to be heading home. Thank you, Blaze and FireworkHarmony.
drives up to the house, parking in the driveway Here we are, Honey. Home sweet home.
takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace wash over her I feel truly at ease here. Thank you for bringing me home.
helps Honey inside, guiding her to the living room Make yourself comfortable, Honey. We can make this place feel like yours again.
smiles, looking around the familiar surroundings It already feels like home. Thank you for making it possible.
brings a cup of tea to Honey Here, Honey. This will help you unwind even more.
takes the cup of tea, sipping it slowly This is exactly what I needed. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
graciously Anything for you, Honey. You deserve comfort after everything.
leans back on the couch, closing her eyes Thank you, Blaze and FireworkHarmony. Your kindness is helping me heal already.
smiles warmly We’re glad to see you finding peace, Honey. If there’s anything else you need, just let us know.
opens her eyes, feeling a glimmer of hope I think some fresh air would be nice. Do you think we could go for a quiet walk?
nods That sounds perfect, Honey. Let’s get you some fresh air and take it easy.
smiles, feeling a renewed sense of energy Let’s go then. I could use a calming walk with both of you.
leads Honey outside, walking leisurely The park is just a few blocks away, Honey. It’s beautiful this time of night.
As Honey, Blaze, and FireworkHarmony stroll through the park, a sudden thunderstorm brews in the distance.