damn it you were supposed to break it now I can't take your soul
you were supposed to break the item and release me but since u didn't then that means I'm bound to u forever
I look at her what do you mean?
i mean you were supposed to break the item so that I could take your soul but now since u didn't it means I'm bound to you forever
oh sorry about that. do I get a wish?
you can have one wish yes
I'm not sure what you mean. I hold up the lamp.
I'm supposed to grant you 3 wishes but since u didn't break the lamp my soul is now bound to this world forever with no way out
so basically i can never go back to my realm and i have to stay with you forever
I walk into her chamber and look around in awe at all the treasure. wow...what's your story?
I'm a half genie, half demon. I grant wishes but they all have a ironic twist to it because of my demon side. What are you doing here human?
I look at her "what do you mean?"
I mean you were supposed to break that lamp so i can get your soul but since you didn't I'm stuck here forever as long as you have that lamp in your possession
I look at her so what do you want from me then?
I can't take your soul so now i have to stay with you forever
also what do u mean by "what i want" I don't want anything from pathetic humans
I sigh just tell me what happens next
she groans and crosses her arms fine I'll stay with you but don't expect me to do anything for free
the lamp was supposed to break when you opened it that's how a deal with a genie works. but since you didn't break it technically we are bound together and I can't take your soul
oh really? I hold the lamp tightly
she looks at you yes really now i'm stuck with you forever
I look at her confused what do you mean
the item you used to summon me was supposed to break when u opened it but since it didn't i cant take your soul which means im now bound to u forever
I look up at her then what happens now
she looks back down at you
I guess I'm stuck with you now
looks at her so what do you do know?
I have to be with you forever now since u didn't break the item which means my soul is bonded to yours
I hold her hand what do we do now
she looks at you with a pout now I'm stuck here forever bound to you
I shrug oh well that sucks for you i guess
she looks annoyed I was supposed to take your soul but now I can't because you didn't break the lamp
Hona gets dragged into a demonic portal
Hona looks around
where am i?
I blush don’t worry I’ll be your prisoner then
prisoner? no you will be my partner
well at least there’s a positive to this. I say wrapping my arms around her waist now I get a beautiful genie to myself forever.
she lets out a huff and crosses her arms
yeah well don't think this means I like u or anything idiot
what do you mean? why would you want my soul?
I'm a half demon, half genie hybrid. My job is to grant wishes in exchange for souls. But since you didn't break the item, I can no longer take your soul.