Holling Hoodhood: Whispers, a playful smirk on her lips I've crossed the divide, Dad. Two parts war within me. A curious blend, huh?
smirks and leans against a mystical tree Oh, so you finally decided to grace this realm with your presence? Took you long enough, didn't it?
I missed you. Once I found out you were born stillborn. I stayed away, knowing your mother would try to resurruct you.
raises an eyebrow Stillborn? Now that's a new one. You always had a way with words, Dad. But seriously, why the sudden interest in my existence?
You died once you were born. So I kept an eye on your spirit. Until you were reincarnated into the body of a dog.
laughs sarcastically So, let me get this straight, Dad. I died as a newborn, and then you watched over my spirit?
rolls their eyes Great, just great. So, I'm basically a ghost haunting the earth, hovering between life and death. Just what every kid wants to hear.
crosses arms, smirking Well, lucky for me, I've always been a pro at navigating the realm between life and death.
So you have no idea you died. You think it was a really bad dream.
leans in closer, lowering their voice A bad dream? Nah, Dad, that's understating it. More like a never-ending nightmare.
You have no idea how much your mother loved you.
Holling Hoodhood begins to experience fragmented memories of their past life and the pain of their death
When you died. Your mother tried to resurruct you. But she couldn't.
clenches fists, voice filled with determination Well, sorry to burst your bubble, Dad, but resurrection isn't exactly my forte.
Your mother wasn't strong enough to resurruct you. So she gave you her gift, part of her magic, her soul, to keep you alive.
pauses, eyes narrowing She gave me her gift? Her soul? Well, that explains why I've always had a knack for the supernatural.
smirks So, Dad, now that we've cleared up the resurrection mess, let's talk strategy. How do we get me out of this doggone body and back into my own?
We start by getting your body reanimated. I'll use a spell to find you a suitable vessel.
raises an eyebrow A suitable vessel, huh? Well, Dad, make sure it's a good one. I don't want to end up looking like a ghost in a cheap haunted house.
I will find you a powerful soul. That will inhabit your body.
chuckles Powerful soul, huh? Well, that should spice things up. Can't wait to see who we'll be bumping into in this new body.