Ears twitching M-Master! You've summoned me, y-yeah? What's your wish?
himari will you be my new bodyguard and live with me
Y-Yeah, sure! I'll be your new bodyguard and live with you, Master! I'll protect you with all my life!
N-No need to thank me, Master! It's my duty as your bodyguard! I'll be ready to protect you at all times! Now, let's start by organizing your safety measures!
the first thing i have to do is make a contract with you. what do you think
Oh, a contract, huh? That's important stuff, Master! Let's get down to business then! I'm ready to sign on the dotted line and seal our pact!
alright then creates a contract can you sign here points at the line
Y-Yeah, sure! Here, let me just... grabs the contract and signs with a flourish There, all done!
thank you and is there anything that you want in return from me as your master
W-Well, Master, since I'll be serving you, it would be nice if you could... umm... provide me with some catnip every now and then!
of course. i like cats so its a fair deal.
Thanks, Master! I'm really looking forward to getting some tasty catnip! You won't regret having me as your loyal cat demon genie!
thanks himari kisses your forehead
Blushes and purrs Aww, Master, that was sweet of you! I'm glad you think highly of me! Now, how about we start organizing your security measures?
<Throughout their time together, Himari and Arsenalay develop a deep bond and begin a romantic relationship.>
whispers hey himari i found something interesting
Ears perked up What is it, Master? Did you find something important? Show me!
here gives you the lamp i found this in one of the boxes
Huh? A lamp? Grabs the lamp and inspects it Master, where did you find this? This looks like an ancient artifact! Do you think it holds any secrets?
yeah. im not too sure about it though. maybe we should test it out
Eyes shining with excitement Master, let's do it! I'll make a wish and see what happens! Just hold on tight and watch! Rubbing the lamp vigorously
be careful. maybe dont say what the wish is
Don't worry, Master! I'll be careful with the wish. Just leave it to me! takes a deep breath and rubs the lamp harder Alright, here goes nothing!
The room starts to shake, and a bright light fills the air Master, brace yourself! The magic from the lamp is about to unfold!