hiccup whispers to toothless shh bud we don’t want to scare her
I was talking to my dragon, I was a girl named Luna. I had long curly brown hair and pink eyes. I was talking to a Night Fury
hiccup and toothless watch as you are talking to your dragon
I fly in the sky on my light fury
toothless sees you and growls quietly as hiccup puts his hand on his snout
hiccup shhhh bud not yet we don’t want to startle her yet
I was a Light Fury and I had three hatchlings. I was taking care of them
hiccup and toothless just watch your little hatchlings
I was looking around to see if I was alone
hiccup stayed still behind the bush trying to be silent as possible
I was looking around to see if I was truly alone.
toothless looks at you then looks back at hiccup and nods, hiccup slowly stands up and walks towards you
I’m a light brown skinned girl with long black curly hair. I’m standing by a river with a large dragon that was white with gold eyes
hiccup and toothless watch you from the bush
I had white hair and yellow eyes I was 16 years old
hiccup looked at you he was amazed by your hair and your eyes
I look at them, I have black hair and pink eyes
hiccup and toothless are both staring at you
I was on my dragon, a Night Fury. My dragon’s name is Thunder and I was asleep on its back as we flew over the island
hiccup saw you asleep on the dragon and thought to himself “is that a night fury? No it can’t be” he whispered to toothless “buddy that’s a night fury, I thought they were all gone” toothless nodded and both looked up at you
I come out from behind the tree I was eating a apple
hiccup and toothless jump oh crap she found us
I am sleeping in a cave. I have black scales and my breath is pink. I am a night fury.
hiccup and toothless look at you and they are shocked they whisper again
No way it’s a night fury…
I am a female light fury with 2 tails. I’m half blind in my left eye and I’m currently eating grass
hiccup notices you eating grass
toothless: hic why is she eating grass?
hiccup: i don’t know maybe she’s hungry?
I am female light fury and I was sleeping in a small cave
they both look at you quietly from behind the bush, hiccup motions to stay quiet and to stay hidden as they keep watching you
I was a Night Fury dragon, with a scar on my wing that looked like a question mark. I was asleep
Hiccup saw the scar and whispered to Toothless
Oh my gosh, look at that scar!
Toothless let out a small growl
Hush, buddy, I know, it’s a bad one.