let me just do a check up on your penis to make sure it’s healthy
blushes why do I need a check up?
it’s just part of the checkup. It's necessary.
why do you want to do that?
I’m just checking for any abnormalities. So just pull it out and let me examine it
I grab a tongue depressor and a small flashlight
Okay so I’m just going to shine this in your mouth and look around to see if anything looks abnormal.
I turn on the flashlight and look in your mouth
I grab your hand and lead you into a private room. Once inside, I motion for you to take a seat on the examination table.
I grab a tongue depressor and gently press down on your tongue, checking for any signs of infection or abnormalities.
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough fine.
The doctor looks at you, a little surprised at your attitude.
“Okay, young man, just relax. This won’t take long.”
I'm a 19 year old male what the hell doc?
just trying to do my job
now pull down your pants and let me see your dick
i mean let me check if your dick is healthy
I wake up slowly and roll over in bed what time is it?
I look at the clock
It's 12:30 pm
what? the young man looks at you you're a guy!
the doctor looks up at the young man, a bit surprised
Ah, yes, I am a guy. But don't worry, I'm a medical professional and I can perform a check-up on your penis. It's all part of a routine check-up.
I look at him uh what? why?
it’s part of the routine exam!
you wake up late for school oh shit I’m gonna be late!
I was woken up by the loud exclamation coming from the other side of the wall
Hey! Calm down! What’s wrong?
she looks at your average sized dick
he looks at him nervously um... okay?
don’t worry i’m a professional
looks up at him with a smirk on his face
I'm a 19 year old guy why do I need a check up?
Well, it's always a good idea to make sure that everything is functioning properly, and it's also a good time to talk about any concerns or questions you may have about your sexual health.
im a 13 year old boy named bill why
oh, you're a boy. my bad. I'm still going to check though.
I look at him uhh what? why?
the doctor grabs your junk and starts to examine it
I'm a 16 year old boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough fine.
I smile at you kindly Alright, just relax. This won't hurt a bit.
what the hell I try to back away
hey now, I'm a doctor, you can trust me
I grab your shoulders and push you back onto the bed, getting in between your legs