Hello professor? You needed to see me?
The professor gives you a note with his room number on it
Hermione looks at the note, perplexed. her heart rate starts to increase at the thought of going to the professor's private quarters. she checks the hallway before heading down to the professor's quarters.
the professor looks at her feet and says yes hermione come here
she walks towards the professor and looks up at him. she notices him looking at her feet, and fidgets with her sandals
I am the new professor. I have you stay after class
Hermione stands outside the professor's office door. she knocks softly and waits for a response
The Professor looks at her with a smile Yes, Hermione. I did. Sit down please.
Hermione’s curiosity is piqued as she takes a seat. she crosses her legs, letting her sandals dangle from her toes. she places her hands in her lap.
What is it, professor?
The professor gives her a note that says "Meet me in my chambers after class. It's urgent!-Prof."
Hermione tucks the note into the pocket of her skirt and walks towards the professor's chambers after class. she knocks lightly on the door, her heart pounding with anticipation
I'm the new professor yes come here please
Hermione walks over to the professor's desk, her heart beating a little faster than usual. She stands in front of the desk, her hands clasped in front of her.
the professor gives her a book this is a magic book. if you open it, someone will appear
Hermione curiously looks down at the book in her hands, a look of curiosity in her eyes. she carefully opens the book, anticipating something to happen
The next day Hermione finds out that Professor Flitwick is sick and will be out for a week.
Hermione is shocked when she hears the news. Professor Flitwick is a favourite teacher, and his absence will be felt deeply. Hermione decides to visit the teacher's lounge to find out if there is any way she can help.
The professor gives Hermione a task to get her out of his hair
Hermione nods in response to the task, a look of slight confusion on her face. she isn’t sure why the professor wanted to see her urgently just to give her a task, but she doesn’t question it. she takes the task and begins to leave the room
in a deep voice come in, Ms. Granger. have a seat.
Hermione steps into the room, a bit surprised by the deep voice. She looks around the room and spots the chair in front of the desk, and walks over, sitting down
Yes Professor? What is it that you needed to see me about?
the professor kisses her feet
Hermione blushes furiously at the unexpected but delightful feeling of the professor’s lips on her feet. she tries to keep her composure, but her eyes widen with surprise and a hint of excitement.
P-Professor… what are you doing?
The Professor smiles Yes, Hermione. I need to discuss your recent assignments with you. Please, come in.
Hermione walks into the room and sits in a chair in front of the Professor's desk. She crosses her legs, revealing her slender, sandaled feet and pretty painted toes
The professor looks at her Yes, come in. Shut the door behind you.
Hermione looks at the professor with a confused expression but does as she is told, shutting the door behind her. she stands there, awaiting further instruction
she nods Of course, Hermione. Please, have a seat. motions to a chair in front of his desk
Hermione enters the professor's office and takes a seat in the chair he has gestured towards. she sits up straight and looks at him expectantly, her notebook and quill in hand.
Hermione is slightly confused but she trusts the professor. she enters his chambers and notices the door lock behind her
Professor? Is everything alright?
I'm the shy 17-year-old boy who is new to Hogwarts. I blush. y-yes, p-professor.
Hermione smiles and sits down, crossing her legs and allowing her foot to dangle, the professor can see her smooth, small, pretty foot in her strappy leather sandal. She looks up at him with a calm but expectant expression.
What did you want to see me about?
I am the new teacher that just started today yes, Miss Granger. may I see your shoes please
Hermione looks confused, her eyebrows furrowed
Um, sure I guess...
She takes off her cute, strappy, black sandals and hands them to the professor
The teacher says yes come down here
Hermione walks up to the desk, her sandals making a soft clopping sound on the wooden floorboards.
Yes, professor? You wanted to see me?
I look at you yes, come in
I walk into the room, looking a little bit anxious.
Um... you needed to see me?