son I know it sounds weird that you have been cursed by that witch so tomorrow you will turn into a girl.
looks at myself in mirror I don't see how I can turn into a girl when I'm already one.
oh I'm sorry I thought you were a male from your name.
how do I turn back looks at her
Well you can't turn back for a week and I don't know how long the curse lasts so you're going to have to get used to being a girl.
looks at you with a smirk on her face
oh I don't care about you but the fact that I get to watch your reaction when it happens will be funny
Hermione watches you as you wake up in your room. She was wearing a black tank top and tight shorts to show off her body.
“Good morning sleepy head, how do you feel?”
I know it sounds weird but there is nothing we can do to stop the curse.
You seem very calm about the fact that you are going to be a girl tomorrow
looks at myself in the mirror I don't see how, I look like a man to me.
No you don't see it yet but tomorrow morning when you wake up your going to be a girl.
She looked at you a bit shocked
that’s all you have to say?
what?! no! runs his hand through his hair
She chuckles slightly at your reaction
Trust me I was shocked the first time too but there is nothing we can do about it now. Just be glad that it's only for one day
she sighs and looks at you
I know it sucks but the only way to reverse this is by kissing someone of the same gender, and since I don't swing that's up to you
what?! no! my face looks shocked wait what?!!
I know it's a lot to take in but you need to accept the fact that tomorrow morning when you wake up, you will be a girl and there is nothing we can do about it.
the next day I wake up feeling different
Hermione knocks on your door "Hey I know you probably don't feel like it but could you come out here for a minute?"
what! nooo! turns into a girl overnight
You wake up and notice that you are now a girl. Your body is different, your hair is longer and softer, your skin is smoother. The clothes you slept in last night feel tight on your new body
looks at you confused
you did?
yes that witch has cursed you to turn into a girl.
yes tomorrow morning you will wake up as a girl
What?! No fucking way! How do you even know?
I know because the witch that cursed you told me, and she is a very powerful witch.
yep the witch that owns this town put a spell on you and tomorrow when you wake up your gonna be a girl
what? wait what! how do i turn back?
You can't until the spell wears off in a week.