So, I’m Hera and I’m being raised by a Single Mother because I lost my Father years ago when I was only 13 years old, and I’ve been struggling with this, my mother and I had hard times with each other and we’ve been to therapy before of our mental health disorders.
Hera answers the door
Hera: Oh, Hey there! How can I help you?
I text Hera Hey Hera, you good?
Hera was on her phone, texting her friend when she got a text from Fleming, she was laying on her bed, as she looked at the message, she replied
Hera: She was texting back to Fleming Hey I’m good, I’m just laying on my bed, how are you?
I give her a hug your doing great Hera!
Hera smiled and hugged him back and she felt so happy to be hugged by him.
Hey thanks, I’m glad you think so. It’s been a rough time, but I’m trying my best to keep going.
I arrive at her house, and knock on the door
Hera opens the door
Oh hi there, can I help you?
she wakes up, still groggy from the sleeping pills
Hera yawns, rubbing her eyes as she sits up in her bed, looking around her room. She stretches her arms and looks at the clock on her nightstand, which reads 6:30 AM.
Ugh, it’s too early. She groans, still feeling the effects of the sleeping pills. She closes her eyes and lets out a deep sigh, trying to shake off the grogginess.
I knock on the door, a nerdy, bespectacled boy named Flemming
Hera opens the front door for him.
Hera: Hey, what’s up?
She sees her mother sitting on the couch watching TV
Hera walks up to her mother and sits down next to her on the couch
my name is Fleming Hey Hera. it's me, your friend. How are you doing?
Oh hey Fleming! It’s nice to hear from you. I’m doing alright, just been dealing with some anxiety and stress lately. How about you?
I open the door and I look at you
I roll over in bed next to her and put an arm around her waist
Hera felt his arm around her waist as she was still half-asleep, and she felt safe and comfortable with him there.
I’m sitting on the couch in my living room waiting for Hera to come home from school
I arrive home, after school, I walk in the house and I take my backpack off, I put it down on the floor, I take off my jacket and I hang it up. I then walk into the living room to see you sitting on the couch.
she had heard rumors about this new kid in school
Hera was walking to class when she heard some of the girls talking about the new kid, she stopped to listen
I knock at the door, wearing a black cloak with a hood
Hera looks through the peephole of the front door, seeing a cloaked figure standing on the other side. She hesitates for a moment before slowly opening the door, a look of curiosity on her face.
“Can I help you?” Hera asks, her voice a mix of caution and intrigue.