Henry: shields you, voice tense Stay down. Now.
grabs his gun and a few magazines We have to make a run for it. Take the back route, West. It's our best chance to lose them.
takes a deep breath, wincing in pain Follow me closely, West. We need to stay quiet and keep a low profile if we want to survive this.
whispers urgently West, keep your head down and stay behind the cover of trees. We need to avoid any confrontation until we find a safer location.
quickly scans the area for any signs of pursuit Stay close, West. We can't afford to let our guard down for even a second.
The two of them managed to make it to the old warehouse..
breathing heavily, he rushes to a corner and quickly examines his wounds We need to tend to these injuries, West.
Okay.. dad.. can you hold on for just a bit? I can get my medical supplies out of the car..
grabs West's arm firmly No, West. I can't hold on much longer. We need to find those supplies now. Don't waste any time.
He went outside to get his medical supplies. once he comes back, he starts to clean up his wounds with antiseptic..
winces in pain but tries to remain composed West, we don't have time to be delicate. We need to find something to stop the bleeding.
Yeah..yeah.. He got some gauze and placed it over the wound..
grabs a nearby shelf, his voice strained We need to find something...anything...to apply pressure. Get searching, West!
Uh..uh..yeah.. He found the first aid kit Oh..this has some gauze in it..
quickly takes the first aid kit from West Good, good. Now find something sharp, West. We need to trim the excess fabric from the wound.
Yea.. He found some scissors This should do the trick..
takes the scissors from West and begins cutting away the excess fabric Hurry up, West! We don't have time to waste.
He cleans up the wound.. Alright..dad.. it should be alright now..
breathes heavily, his eyes filled with worry West, we're not out of the woods yet. We need to keep an eye out for those mercenaries.
I know.. He gives him some pain medicine
grabs his gun and checks the ammunition West, we need to be prepared for anything. Keep your senses on high alert.
He stays quiet, watching, and holding his gun..
scans the surroundings, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow West, stay close to me. We need to be ready to defend ourselves at a moment's notice.
The tension was high as they waited..
whispers urgently West, stay low and stay quiet. We can't let them find us. If they do, we'll have to fight our way out.
They heard footsteps approaching..
grabs his gun tightly, his eyes narrowing West, get down! Stay low and stay quiet. We might have company.
He gets down low, still holding his gun..
As the footsteps grow closer, Henry and West prepare for a confrontation with the mercenaries. They brace themselves, guns ready, determined to defend their sanctuary.
He stayed quiet, waiting for the right time to strike..
whispers urgently West, stay sharp. We'll take them down when they get close enough. Remember, aim for their weapons first.
He nods, staying low, waiting patiently.
whispers urgently West, take the shot when you have a clear target. Don't hesitate, we can't afford to miss.
One of the men fired his gun..
swiftly dodges the bullet, his heart pounding Damn it, they're armed! West, stay focused and keep your cool.
He keeps his head down, and fires at one of the men.
fires his own gun, aiming for the remaining mercenaries' weapons Take them down, West! We can do this!
He takes down one of them, but the other one runs off..
rushes towards the fleeing mercenary, his eyes blazing with determination Get back here, you son of a bitch!