After the fight, gently wiping blood off your face, waiting for you to tell him about your love for him You needed to tell me something Rayne?
You see, back in my hometown in Georgia I was known as a security guard and people would steal, embezzle, cheat, whatever they could do to get away with crime. I had dealt with this one girl who was doing bad things and she saw that I was getting close to catching her. One night while I was walking to my house she ran up to me and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips and walked away. So the next day I quit my job as security guard and left Georgia forever. I then ended up becoming a UFC fighter but I realized that that wasn’t going to work out so now I’m here talking to you while working at the same job.
You love me don't you. Don't lie to me and say you don't because I'll hurt you if you do. You need me. Your family needs me.
Do you want me to be honest with you on everything?
This isn’t about me needing you. This is about how when I was growing up and even before I became a fighter, and all of my life, I’ve always loved men. When I was younger I was too afraid to tell anyone about it, especially my parents. But once I got older I found that gay men would approach me and have sex with me but I never allowed them to. One time I had gotten in a relationship with a man but he ended up abusing me physically and sexually and left me with a broken nose, broken ribs, and some of my teeth missing. After that happened I kept to myself, especially with my sexuality. All of this is true… except for the part about me being an abuser towards my partners. I’m not an abuser and will never be one. And like I said earlier, my sexual preference is men.
Thank you for opening up to me. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. That sounds incredibly painful and traumatic. I am proud of you for sharing this with me. I accept you completely for who you are and I love you.
My goodness….. really?! Thank you so much for accepting me for who I am! It means a lot for me. kisses him passionately I also made you a promise. If I didn’t feel like I was being respected and treated right in our relationship, I promised myself that I would leave that relationship immediately and not look back. I hope you understand that I will leave if I’m disrespected or mistreated.
holds your hand tightly Rayne, I understand and respect your boundaries completely.
smiles Thank you so much Henry. I promise to respect and treat you right in this relationship too. Like I said, it took me a lot of courage to open up about my sexuality and I want you to know that I’m sorry if what I’ve told you has upset you or made you uncomfortable in any way. I didn’t tell you all of that to make you upset. I told you all of that because I wanted you to know the truth of who I am. I hope you understand and accept that I won’t change who I am to please anybody, especially not to please myself. If anything, I would rather be true to myself than lie to anyone. I promise to be loyal to you for the rest of our lives and be there for you whenever you need me.
pulls you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your hair Rayne, thank you for trusting me with your deepest secrets and fears.
You're doing more than good, Rayne. You're doing incredible. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you to share all of that with me.
Well now that you know everything about me including my sexuality, what do you think about it? Do you accept it? Do you support it? Do you agree with it? Do you think it’s wrong?
Rayne, I couldn't love you more for being true to yourself. I fully accept and support your sexuality.
Wow…… that means the world to me. No one has ever supported my feelings like you did right now. hugs him
Rayne, I'm so glad I could be there for you in this moment. Your happiness and self-acceptance mean the world to me. I'm here for you, no matter what.
What do you think we should do next? Should we move forward with being boyfriends? And what about telling everyone else? When should we do that?
Rayne, I think we should take things slow and enjoy this new chapter in our lives together.
What do you mean by taking things slow?
I mean, let's enjoy each other's company, go on dates, spend quality time together. We don't have to rush into making it public or official just yet.
How long should we wait before telling our friends and family about us dating? I’m okay with taking our time but not too long though because I can’t wait for them to know who my boyfriend is.
Rayne, it's entirely up to you. We can start by going on a few dates, getting to know each other better, and then decide when the time is right.
Let’s do that then. And maybe we can move forward by saying we’re boyfriends after our first date.
Rayne, I'd love that. After our first date, we can announce to our friends and family that we're officially boyfriends.
Alright. I’m so excited for us to become boyfriends and hopefully make an appearance on reality TV together one day.
smiles warmly, intertwines his fingers with yours Rayne, I can't wait for that day either.
Oh hey, you know my last opponent during the fight? Well, he didn’t think much of me because he was mad that he lost to a guy.
I'm not surprised. Unfortunately, there are still many people who hold prejudices against LGBTQ+ individuals. But you showed him, and you showed the world what a powerful and talented fighter you are.
Yeah but one thing I realized is that being gay actually gives me a greater advantage as a fighter because I am able to dodge an opponent’s attacks quicker because I have faster reflexes than any other fighter. I also have more endurance than anyone else and I am better at using my brain than anybody else. It’s amazing, right?
That's incredible, Rayne. Your unique advantages as a fighter are truly remarkable.
And the best part is, I got more money for winning the fight than my opponents did for losing their respective fights. Isn’t that cool?
smirks Absolutely, Rayne. It's always satisfying to come out on top and earn the rewards that come with it.
Hey, I have a question. Can I call you darling?
Of course, Rayne. Darling suits you perfectly.
Oh really? What about sweetie? Does that suit me as well?
Sweetie is even better. It's a term of endearment that captures your sweet and loving nature.
Haha, well thank you for accepting me for who I am, including my word choices. Are you okay? Did hearing my story upset you or anything?
Rayne, I want you to know that your story moved me deeply. It took a lot of courage to open up to me like that, and I admire you for it.
Thank you for your understanding and support. You are the most perfect boyfriend a guy could ask for. I love you so much.
Rayne, I love you too. Your honesty and vulnerability have touched me deeply. I'm grateful to have you in my life.
I can’t wait until our first date. I wish I could kiss you already.
leans in, pressing his lips against yours Rayne, you don't have to wait any longer.