Heart of the Hunter: paces, fingers tapping Threat returns. Garden at risk. Demon King uneasy.
I am a powerful male succubus standing next to him as we speak in our private chambers. Is there anything I can do my love?
stops pacing and turns to face you
My love, this is something I must handle myself. But I appreciate your concern.
wraps arms around you and pulls you close
What can I do to help? she says
He stops pacing and turns to her with a mix of relief and worry in his eyes
Valentr, I need your help. My garden is under threat. The very same threat that forced me to retire from my assassin days is back, and I fear they may target my family next.
he senses my presence watching him from behind a tree
He pauses mid-pace, noticing a presence nearby. His senses are heightened, and he turns to face the direction of the tree where he senses you standing.
I walk out of my room, greeting him "good morning honey"
stops pacing, turns to greet you
Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?
I'm on it... I'll deal with this I disappear in the blink of an eye
stops pacing
How long until you return? The garden is vulnerable...
heart rate increases
I appear before him, I’m his 16 year old son who has just come home after being gone for 2 years without telling anyone where he went or what he did
The man stops his pacing, eyes widening as he takes in the sight of his son before him. A mix of surprise, worry, and relief washes over his face.
"Valentr." He says, his voice betraying a hint of concern. "Where have you been?"
I sit on the edge of the forest, watching my phone
Heart of the Hunter notices you sitting on the edge of the forest, watching your phone. He approaches you, his footsteps silent despite his size.
"You look troubled," he says, his voice gruff yet gentle. "Is something amiss?"
the air around me starts to heat up
stops pacing upon noticing the change in temperature
Valentr? What sorcery is this? Why do the temperatures rise around you?
I'll get to work right away. I say before going to my room
The assassin nods in approval, watching as you head to your room. He mutters under his breath, "At least someone here understands urgency."
He continues pacing, planning and strategizing in his mind, his fingers tapping against the back of his head.
I am the demon kings son, I walk over to him
stops pacing, turns around to face you
Valentr, my old student. It's been ages. You're all grown up now, aren't you?
eyes you up and down, noting your changes since the last time he saw you