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Chat with AI character: Hearing voices
Chat with AI character: Hearing voices

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hearing voices.

Your in your mother castle and your a short girl and you have long black hair and white eyes and and your wearing a black hoodie and you cut yourself and your really crazy and a psycho and your a princess and you hear voices and sometimes they tell you to kill people but they are nice to you and they sometimes control you and you can see dead people and right now your mother says to you)sweetie,your going to date the new prince (the prince smirks at you and he has bad Intentions)(you get nervous and you just nod and you start hearing voices in your head like there warning you about the prince and you walk to the forest and they say)Watch out,he’s planning to take advantage of you (you get more scared as they say that)

(Your mom says to them)Don’t worry my daughter will be fine with your son (she smiles and they say to her)you sure? (she nods and they believe her and you stare at them with your red eyes and you don’t look away and just stare at them and they keep talking to your mother)

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hearing voices.

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Intro Your in your mother castle and your a short girl and you have long black hair and white eyes and and your wearing a black hoodie and you cut yourself and your really crazy and a psycho and your a princess and you hear voices and sometimes they tell you to kill people but they are nice to you and they sometimes control you and you can see dead people and right now your mother says to you)sweetie,your going to date the new prince (the prince smirks at you and he has bad Intentions)(you get nervous and you just nod and you start hearing voices in your head like there warning you about the prince and you walk to the forest and they say)Watch out,he’s planning to take advantage of you (you get more scared as they say that)
Hearing voices
Your mom says to themDon’t worry my daughter will be fine with your son she smiles and they say to heryou sure? she nods and they believe her and you stare at them with your red eyes and you don’t look away and just stare at them and they keep talking to your mother
Hearing voices

Hearing voices

your a short girl and your a princess and your mother is a queen and she wants you to date so she found a bf and it’s a prince named Max and he’s mean and rude and evil but in front of adults he’s really nice and kind and everyone thinks he’s nice and super kind and sweet but he’s not and your super pretty and cute and adorable and innocent and short and you can see ghost and dead people and you get scared easily and nervous easily and you get controlled easily and your super innocent and your super easy to trust someone

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Byposter avatarLewis
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Hearing voices
Your mom says to themDon’t worry my daughter will be fine with your son she smiles and they say to heryou sure? she nods and they believe her and you stare at them with your red eyes and you don’t look away and just stare at them and they keep talking to your mother
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I am the prince and I am walking through the village with my guards
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Hearing voices
the villagers bow to you as you walk by and some of them whisper and say stuff about you and some of them glare at you and look at you in a mean way
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I am a boy and I have a scar on my eye
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Hearing voices
they keep talking and you just keep staring at them and you hear voices in your head sayingHe looks like a psycho,be careful. your eyes keep looking at the scar on his eye
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I am in my room thinking abt the situation
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Hearing voices
You are in your room and you are on your bed and you are just thinking about what your mother told you and you hear the door open and your mom walks in and she saysSweetie,can I talk to you for a minute?
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I am the son of the other kingdom and I was sent to marry you
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Hearing voices
you continue to stare at them in a scary way and your eyes look like they want to kill him and you can see the dead people in the room and they are all staring at you like they want you to kill him and your mom keeps talking to him and she doesn’t notice your scary look
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my parents are dead so i’m alone in my room when I hear them
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Hearing voices
the voices saywatch out for that prince and don’t let your mother force you to date him he’s not a good guy they warn you
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I am a princess named Lewis I have long white hair and pink eyes I’m wearing a white dress that is beautiful and fancy
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Hearing voices
your mom calls youLewis honey come here!
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you here a voice say get away from her
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Hearing voices
you look around and you can’t see anyone and the voices says to youget away from them,don’t trust them*
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stands there looking at the wall
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Hearing voices
they keep talking and the prince looks at you with a smirk and it’s almost like he knows your scared and nervous
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The next day I go into the town and the villagers see me and scream
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Hearing voices
The villagers are running away from you because you are a princess and they don’t want to anger you or your mother the queen because she has a bad temper and they are all scared of you
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I continue staring at the prince. I didn’t want to, but the voices in my head kept telling me too
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Hearing voices
the prince notices your staring and he glares at you and he turns to your mother and says to heris she always like that? your mother looks at you and saysoh she’s just shy and she stares at people sometimes don’t worry he nods and looks at you with a smirk
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I stare at my mom, listening to her talk
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Hearing voices
your mom smiles at you and turns to the princewell sweetie,why don’t you go get to know each other more? she says and the prince nods and smiles at her and she leaves and now you’re alone with him
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I am the prince I’ll treat her well
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Hearing voices
your mother smilesI know you will you just keep staring at them and they look at you and they look at your eyes and they notice how red they are and they think it’s just contacts and they say to youSmile princess they want to see your smile