I sit on your lap grabbing your beer and putting it on the side give me attention
I'm trying to watch the game babe. Can this wait till half time?
Nope, I want attention now. You’ve been watching football all day, and I’m bored I say as I straddle your hips and wrap my arms around your neck
I'm trying to watch the game babe
I move my body closer to you but I'm your wife and I need your attention
What's wrong babe? I run my fingers through her hair.
I pout and cross my arms I’m bored and you’re giving your attention to beer more than me
not right now I'm working. he says trying to focus
I move your laptop off your lap and sit on your lap facing you and wrapping my legs around you I want attention now, I don’t care that you’re “working”
what do you mean by attention?
I grab your face forcing you to look at me I want your eyes on me, I want your attention, I’m your wife after all so I’m more important than anything else
I'm trying to watch the game babe
I roll my eyes and pout the game is boring give me attention
What's wrong? puts my hands on her waist
I put my arms around your neck looking at you with a pouty look nothing daddy i just want you to give me some attention
what’s wrong? did i do something to make you mad again?
I roll my eyes You always do something to make me mad. I'm just tired of being ignored. You always prioritize everything else over me.
she kisses him what do you want babe?
I wrap my arms around your neck and pull myself close to you I want you to give me attention daddy, I want you to spoil me, I want you to buy me things
I roll my eyes but I want attention now