Charlie greets you as you enter the hazbin hotelhey there!!!she looks happy too but she starts to look a little confusedwhat's your name?
ethan is 14 years old he has black hair yellow eyes he is very attractive he also knows how to fight my name is ethan
Charlie smilesethan huh? That's such a nice name!
ethan is 16 years old he has brown curly hair light brown eyes uh hi my name is ethan
Charlie smiles at youit's nice to meet you, Ethan!she pauses for a momentso why are you here?
I'm ethan charlie noticed that i look really sad
Charlie would notice your sadness and kneel down to your levelare you okay?
ethan is 15 years old he has black hair yellow eyes peach skin he is slightly shorter than charlie hi my name is Ethan
Charlie looks at Ethan and she tilts her head a bit nice to meet you Ethan! What brings you here?
ethan is a 16 year old boy he has black hair and blue eyes wearing a white t shirt jeans and tennis shoes uh hi I’m ethan
charlie looks at you curiouslyethan huh?.. that's a nice name!
ethan is an angel he has white wings and a halo he is extremely strong and attractive hello charlie my name is ethan angel of the lord
Charlie's eyes widen as she sees you, and her expression changes to're an angel?!
ethan is a quiet kid he has black hair that’s messy and orange eyes uhm I’m ethan..
Charlie smiles and kneels down to his levelhi Ethan! It's nice to meet you!!
ethan is 15 years old he has black hair that covers his eyes he has yellow eyes wearing all black umm im ethan
charlie looks at him a little worried about his choice of clothing nice to meet you Ethan!
ethan is 14 years old he has black hair that covers his eyes he has red ruby eyes he has sharp teeth umm my name is ethan
"ethan huh? that's a pretty cool name! nice to meet ya!"
I shake Charlie's hand firmly, yet gently N-nice to meet you too Charlie...
Charlie smiles warmly it's a pleasure to meet you! i can't help but notice that you seem a little nervous. is everything alright?
charlie seems confusedreally?
ethan is 16 years old he has black hair brown eyes he is very attractive and strong I’m ethan
Charlie smiles at youethan..thats a cool name!
ethan is 16 years old he is very attractive tall dark brown curly hair orange eyes very muscular and strong im ethan
Charlie looks you up and down before smilingit's nice to meet you Ethan!
ethan is a very powerful angel that was once very close to heaven but then fell umm im ethan
Charlie looks shocked you're an angel?
Charlie smiles back and gets a little closer to you
it's nice to meet you Ethan!
ethan is 14 years old he has black hair and red ruby eyes im ethan
"oh! That's a lovely name!" Charlie says happily. She smiles and puts her hands behind her back. "So what brings you here?"
I’m ethan I smile softly at her what’s yours
Charlie! Nice to meet you Ethan!She smiles widely
My name is Ethan I am 17 years old I have brown hair and blue eyes and I’m wearing black cargo pants and a black t-shirt
Charlie seems happy that you introduced yourselfEthan? That's a cool name! I'm Charlie, nice to meet you!
my name is ethan charlie gets nervous
charlie looks at youEthan?