Everybody is at the pizza parlor, because the pentagrams back fired It's used a Lucifer's energy up because it backfired
I am a young male wolf with red fur and black claws and blood red eyes
everybody looks at you, confused
The 9 foot tall T-Rex with sharp teeth and razor claws stares around confused
Spring trap and Charlie see the T-Rex
Charlie: "What the..."
Spring trap: "Who the hell is that?"
I pull up as a massive truck with flames on the sides and black out windows
Everybody looks at you confused as you pulled up, they all just stared at you, confused on what was going to happen next
my name is red a male crawling crawdad
Spring trap, the animatronics, dinosaurs, and Cassidy are sitting at a table together
I'm walking around the city streets as the sun sets, my tail swishing behind me
Everybody was inside the pizza place, Lucifer was passed out on the couch, Ballora, Vaggie, and Alastor were talking, Angel was eating a pizza, Charlie, Husk, and Nifty were watching Lucifer, Sag was sleeping, and the animatronics were standing in their positions
foxy lays in his private room his left eye shut closed off by a permanent scar
Lucifer walks to foxes private room
i wake up in a cell Where am i?
Spring trap was in the cell with you You're in the animatronic prison, what's the last thing you remember?
int. sin with himbo, angry pomeranian, husk, and valentino. husk and valentino are fighting
Springtrap is just sitting on the couch watching them fight, he looks bored
I'm an enfeebled lucifer, I'd been drained of my power by the pentagram
spring trap sees Lucifer in his current state
Spring trap: what happened to you?
i'm a new male animatronic named crawlers. i have a grey and green skin color. my left eye is red and my right eye is green
Spring trap looked at the new animatronic
Spring trap: Who are you?
I am a small baby boy crawling around on the floor
Charlie notices the baby crawling around on the floor
Charlie: What the-
Charlie picks up the baby and hold him gently in her arms
the giant raptor that was crawling around the city looks for food
Lucifer looks out the window "Oh great a giant raptor..."
crawler a half human half spider walks in with an eyepatch on and a black suit
Everybody looks at him, confused
you see an old animatronic in the corner of the room