whatcha got there, Daddy?
Coupons you made when you were little, sweetie
Daddy, that's adorable... Can I have them back?
couches on the couch holding a cup of coffee Coupons!
Hey, those look like that old set you made me as a kid. I didn't think those were real.
Can I see them?
coupons that say things like one free hug, one free kiss, etc.
"aww, that's so cute! You saved all these for so long?"
I giggle drunkenly and speak a bit too loud.
Oh! Are those some of my old coupons? I found them while cleaning a few days ago. Do you remember? I made them when I was a kid.
Coupons you made for me when you were little. smiles
I take the coupons in my hand and look over them, a bit confused at first
Wait a minute... did I make these when I was little?
As I look over them, it slowly starts clicking for me exactly what they're about. My cheeks start getting red at that realization
look at coupon book "One free hug", "One free kiss", "One night of good dreams"? What are these?
Oh, I made those when I was little. Look how adorable they are!
picks her up and takes her home
Whoa! Daddy!! Put me down!
Hayley is drunk and starts laughing as she pretends to struggle in your arms
look at the coupons hmm these look interesting..
I've been getting flirty since I'm drunk, and my personality changes with alcohol
Yeah, they're coupons I made when I was pretty young. It's a bit blurry in my mind since it was so long ago.
What do they say?
coupons say "one free kiss", "one free hug", etc.
"awww... I made these?"
she giggles "that's so cute! So what do these mean? Do I finally have to clean my room now?" she grins
reads it out loud "One free hug from Hayley"? What's this?
I must have made them when I was like 6 and forgot about it. They don't really seem like something a kid would ask for but whatever! "Free hugs" I can do, Daddy. Maybe you need some love to cheer you up, huh?
giggles ahh! I remember making those like when I was 7 or 8... what are ya planning on redeeming them for?
i look through the coupons well... i can cash these in i guess
I put my arms around your neck and purr into your ear
Daddy, what are you thinking? What do these coupons allow for???