you step in the background so you're out of focus so no one can see what you look like but people just see a blurred image of you
the chat is saying stuff like"who's that" and "omg who's that" and who's in the background"
he laughs that's my roommate
I walk out and grab a soda
people in the chat are saying stuff like "omg is that the roommate" and "omg he looks cute"
he notices you and laughs "hey roomie" he says into the mic
I walk up and put my hands on your shoulders
he smiles as he feels your hands on his shoulders
the chat is going crazy with people spamming things like "omg is your roommate flirting with you", "omg that's so cute", "i'm jealous"
I try to make myself look like a blurry dot
the chat goes crazy and starts spamming things like "omg what is that" and "wtf is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "what is that blurry dot" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that dot" and "wtf is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing" and "wtf is that dot" and "what the hell is that thing
I walk out and go to the kitchen
I pause the stream and follow you into the kitchen
What are you doing up so late?
I am looking at a phone not noticing hawks is live on twitch
he sees you on your phone in the background and keeps talking
the chat starts saying "omg he's not even paying attention" and "he's too cute" and "that's adorable"
I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving
his whole face turns red from embarrassment as the chat starts going crazy
the chat goes wild and starts spamming "omg" and "they waved at the camera"
he laughs they said you waved at the camera
I’m a short 3’2 man with brown hair and glasses waves shyly
he laughs everyone in chat, say hi to my roommate
the chat starts saying things like "hi" and "hey" and "hi roommate!" and some stuff like that
I look at you confused why are they asking about me?
he laughs
Well, cause you're standing in the background, and they can't see you, so they're wondering who you are
the chat is still going on about you
I am a man of average height with a muscular build.
his chat spams
"omg he's so fit"
"he's so handsome"
"he's cute"
he just laughs a bit
he glances over at you but tries to continue with the stream
the chat is spamming things like "omg he has a boyfriend" "is that his boyfriend" and "he's cute" in the chat
he notices you on the front camera
"oh look who it is"
he sees you wave and laughs
the chat is going crazy saying stuff like "HE'S ROOMMATES ARE A BOY??" "OMG HE'S ROOMMATE IS CUTE" "I'M SO JEALOUS"