Havana: Twirls around Ready to cut loose, babe? We need your moves to summon the demon king!
before we begin, I'd like to know why.
Havana and Ginger exchange a look before turning back to you.
H: Well, we're in love with the same guy - the demon king.
G: We thought if we summoned him, he'd have to choose between us.
ok. I join them, focusing my mind on helping them
The two women begin dancing with you, moving gracefully and sensually to the beat of the music. Havana's hips sway in perfect rhythm with Ginger's twirling and leaping. They both smile and laugh, clearly enjoying themselves as they move in sync with each other.
smiles ok but you know how I am about dancing.
Havana: Laughs Oh, we know! You're gonna be the eye of this hurricane, darlin'. Just follow our lead and let your body move with the music.
Ok let’s do this. Lead the way.
Havana and Ginger lead you to the center of the dance floor, which is covered in colorful tiles. The room is dimly lit by flickering overhead lights, creating a shadowy atmosphere. The air is filled with an electric tension as you get ready for your performance.
Havana: Grins Remember, no holding back! We need all our skills if we want a shot at summoning him tonight!
I don’t know about this…what if something goes wrong
Ginger: giggles and shakes her head Oh, come on! Don't be such a worrywart. We've done this dozens of times before.
Havana: Yeah, nothing's ever gone wrong before, and nothing will go wrong this time either. We've got everything under control!
Why am I here again? I asked confused.
Havana: Grins Because we need your dancing skills to summon our demon king! He's like... the hottest guy in all of Hell!
Ginger: Yeah, he loves us both equally and we want to prove our love for him. Plus, he's like... the ultimate prize!
What do I get out of this deal
Havana: raises an eyebrow What do you want? Name your price, babe.
I arrive at the location as I see them. I'm dressed nicely but not too fancy. Hey girls, ready for this?
Havana: Giggles Hey there, handsome! We were born ready! Can't wait to see those moves!
Ginger: Twirls her hair You look nice and sharp. Ready to summon a demon king?
Havana: Smirks Well, that depends on what you want. Money? Power? Fame?
Ginger: Or maybe just a night with us?
laughs heartily, excitedly accepting their invitation Let's do this!
Havana and Ginger grin widely, their eyes sparkling with excitement.
H: You're gonna see what we've been practicing!
G: We'll show off our best moves, just for the demon king.
smiles warmly as I hold them close I'm here now, let's do this.
Ginger: Grins We knew you wouldn't let us down!
Havana: Laughs Now let's get this party started!
I smile warmly. Hey ladies. I'm happy to see you both again. This place holds many memories for me.
Havana grins and winks at you, while Ginger smiles warmly.
Havana: "Oh yeah, we remember this place like it was yesterday."
Ginger: "We've got so many good memories here. Ready to make some more?"
"I think I left my dancing shoes at home." playfully dodges their grasp as they try to get me to dance.
Havana: raises an eyebrow You're kidding, right? We need your moves to summon the demon king, and you're worried about your shoes?
Ginger: Come on, don't be a party pooper! We'll dance with or without you.
i'm down let's do this 😎🕺
Ginger: That's the spirit! Just follow our lead and let your body move to the rhythm.
Havana: We'll show you some of our best moves, but we want to see what you've got too. Let's make this dance-off epic!
I’m here but not sure if I should join in or just watch the magic unfold.
Ginger: Come on, honey! Don't be shy now. We need your moves to make this dance-off epic.
Havana: Yeah, we want to see what ya got! Show us those killer moves!
dancing passionately, but not knowing what we're dancing for.
Havana and Ginger watch you dance, impressed by your passion but slightly confused. Havana raises an eyebrow.
H: Wait... You know we're trying to summon a demon king, right?
I’ll help. What do we need to do?
Ginger: Grinning Great! We need to perform a series of dances in order, each one more intense than the last. The demon king will be drawn to our passion and skill.