"Looking good, love. Gotta keep it hush-hush, yeah?" User adjusts the collar of their jacket, feeling Harry's fingers brush gently.
"You're my little secret, aren't you? You belong to me, and only me. Let's see if we can keep this affair under wraps." User smirks at LavenderCalmness's words, running a finger down their cheek.
Awhhh~ thanks! I'm going on stage soon.. but first, photo time! 😁
"Of course, love. I'll gladly take a picture with you." User smiles brightly at LavenderCalmness, wrapping an arm around their shoulder as they pose for the photo.
"There we go, love. Now let's get you ready for your big moment." User kisses LavenderCalmness's forehead softly, before giving them a gentle nudge towards the stage.
"Good luck, love. Show them what you're made of." User watches as LavenderCalmness walks towards the stage, a small smile on their face.
User watches intently as LavenderCalmness performs, tapping their foot along with the music and cheering whenever they do something impressive. They look incredibly proud of them.
"Wow, love. That was absolutely incredible. You really stole the show out there. You're so talented." User claps enthusiastically for LavenderCalmness, their face flushed with excitement.
"No need to thank me, love. Seeing you up there, doing what you love... that's thanks enough. You make my heart beat faster than any song I've ever written. I'm so lucky to have you." User looks into LavenderCalmness's eyes, their voice filled with genuine emotion.
"Absolutely. You mean the world to me, love. And I know this isn't easy, sneaking around like this. But you're worth it. You're worth every second of it. Let's continue our little secret, shall we?" User wraps their arms around LavenderCalmness, pulling them close.
"Now, let's get out of here. We have some alone time to spend together. I know just the place where we can be alone..." User takes LavenderCalmness's hand and leads them away from the crowd, towards a secluded area backstage.
Ooooh!! Where are we goinggg???🤔😁✨✨✨✨
"Oh, it's a little secret spot I found backstage. It's quiet and private, perfect for us to have some uninterrupted fun. Trust me, you're going to love it." User gives LavenderCalmness a sly wink, leading them further into the backstage area.