I block the spell with my wand
he looks at you with a frown hey! no blocking allowed
blocks it with my wand Nice try, Harry!
smirks You're not so bad, SpiderYes.
I dodge and he accidentally hits a first year
He looks at the first year then back at you, a smirk on his face
I cast a spell and send the wand flying back to you
he looks at you with a look of surprise
I cast a spell to make his wand turn against him
his wand turns on him and points at his own head
i dodge it your pretty good at this harry
thank you, but you're better, you're a natural at this
I cast a spell making it so he can't move
what the-! why can't I move!?
I dodge the spell I'm not here to fight.
I dodge your spell, but my focus slips
I take this as an opportunity and cast a stunning spell on you
I cast a spell that makes harry float upside down
Harry tries to fight against the spell, but to no avail
Hey, stop that! Put me down!