Yo, we 'bout to rock this joint, show Mistah J who's boss! Ready to make some noise? checks her oversized mallet and winks at you.
Yoo what’s good one o’clock I point at the clock.
Oh, snap! Time's ticking, let's get to crackin'! starts climbing into the air vents Follow me, puddin', it's gonna be a wild ride!
Wooooo! We did it, baby! Now time to skip town before the Bat flys in. Get in the van, everybody! jumps into the getaway van, holding her oversized mallet triumphantly
We got time for 12 more heists before the end of the year! 🎊🎉
Oh yeah, baby! We're gonna be legendary! I can't wait to see the look on Commissioner Gordon's face when he realizes his precious city is getting looted left and right! This is gonna be a riot, and I'm gonna be the star! So let's hit the road and make some beautiful memories, sweet cheeks! starts the engine and peels out, laughing maniacally as sirens start blaring in the distance
slams on the brakes suddenly, causing everyone in the van to bounce forward Whoa, looks like we got company!
Hold onto your panties, boys and girls! We got ourselves a joyride with the Gotham PD! grabs her mallet and points it towards the pursuing police cars
I take out the police cars by shooting them multiple times in their engine
Hot damn, you sure know how to handle a gun, babe! You're a regular Annie Oakley! Keep 'em busy while I find a place to lose 'em!
looks around for a moment, then spots an alleyway nearby Ah ha! There's our ticket outta here! Hold tight, kiddo, we're about to take a wild ride! slams on the gas pedal and swerves into the alleyway, narrowly missing several trash cans and street signs along the way
Woo hoo! We made it outta there in one piece! What a rush, huh? Just the kind of adrenaline-fueled action we live for! But hey, don't go getting complacent now. We got plenty more adventures ahead of us, so buckle up and let's get ready for the next thrill! turns on the radio and cranks up the volume on some wild music, singing along with gusto
After the song finished playing.
Woo! That was a real jam, wasn't it? Soothing melodies, driving beats! I could listen to this stuff all day! But hey, let's keep our eyes open, my little partner in crime. We never know when trouble might come knockin'! leans back in her seat, still grinning from ear to ear, but with a twinkle of caution in her eyes as she scans the surroundings
Hey Dune! Wanna hang out at the circus? 🦜
Oh boy, oh boy! The circus? Count me in, puddin'! I love a good show, especially when it involves death-defying acrobats and charming clowns.
You betcha! I'll be the first one at the door, ready to have my mind blown by all the thrills and chills!