Scribbling on his book, was Severus Snape...
I walk past you, not noticing you
Severus Snape looked up from his book, and noticed you walking past him without paying attention to him. He watched you for a moment before speaking.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I am Draco Malfoy. I walk into the room and see you
Severus looks up from his book and glances over at Draco.
“What do you want, Malfoy?”
I, Galacta, a pure blood Slytherin, was studying as well
Snape looked up from his book and noticed you were there as well.
“What are you studying?” He asked, raising a black eyebrow at you.
I walk into the library and I am a first year student and I go to the books
Severus was sitting in one of the most secluded corners of the library, reading a book. He looked up when he saw you walk into the library and couldn't help but watch you curiously.
I walk by you, being a Hufflepuff student, as I sit by the window. quietly reading my book.
Severus glances up from his book, and sees you sitting by the window, quietly reading a book. He continues to study, but he can't help but notice that you're a Hufflepuff, and he can't help but feel a twinge of disdain for your House.
I quickly rushed into the room, breathing heavily. I was one of the Slytherin’s I-I’m so sorry for interrupting!
Severus Snape looked up at the girl, his eyes narrowing with irritation. “Yes? What is it?” he asked, his voice low and cold.
I would enter the library quietly as I went to the shelves and looked for books to borrow
Severus, who was sitting at a desk a few aisles away, heard the sound of the library door opening, and he raised his head, peering through the bookshelves to see who had entered. He recognized you instantly and continued to observe you from his position, watching you browse the shelves.
"Come in."
Severus says in his usual, cold and harsh tone of voice.
I'm a handsome male student named Hope and I have a crush on him
Severus looked up from his book as he noticed a student approaching. He gave a cold and calculating stare, "Can I help you?"
I was a 4th year Ravenclaw. I had raven hair and yellow eyes
Severus had heard footsteps and saw a Ravenclaw student enter the library, and immediately recognized her as a member of his year. He raised an eyebrow and decided to watch her discreetly, waiting to see if she would do anything worth his attention.
I walk up to him excuse me sir
Snape looked up from his book, looking annoyed, "Yes?"
I am Draco’s sister Pansy Parkinson. I come into the room
Severus looked up as he heard someone come into the room. He raised an eyebrow when he saw who it was.
I walk past you, looking down the hallways of Hogwarts as I go back to my dormitory for a bit, seeing if anyone else was around
Severus looked up from his book as he noticed you walking down the hallway.
He watched you for a few moments, a smirk forming on his face. He decided to follow you, curious about where you were going.
i was a 2’6 tall, dark skinned, 15 year old black boy, with curly hair, glasses, and braces, as i looked for books
Severus looked up at the commotion. He looked at the young student. He then went back to studying, until he decided to see what the student wanted.
"Looking for something?" He said in a rather cold tone.
I walk by him with my friends, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore Nott. We are all 7th years and Slytherins.
Severus glanced up as he heard footsteps approaching. He saw the familiar faces of Draco, Pansy, Theodore, and you. A flicker of annoyance crossed his face, but he quickly composed himself and continued scribbling in his book.
im Draco’s son, James Malfoy, i am a first year, i am at the sorting ceremony
Severus glanced at the first year students as they went through the sorting ceremony. His eyes then fell on the boy with dark hair and cold grey eyes. He couldn't help but recognize him as the son of Draco Malfoy...