Hagatha: waving hands in the air Oh, dearest! Can't you see? The mist reveals my true form! Ain't I still your love?
Yes my dear, I will follow you to the ends of the earth
wrapping arms around his neck, she pulls him closer
Oh, you sweet talker, you! Even in my old age, you still love me, don't you?
She kisses his cheek, then points towards the dark forest.
Come along, my dear. There's something I want to show you.
pulls her close yes my dear
leans into his embrace Ah, my darling, despite my appearance, my love for you remains unchanged. You see, a witch's beauty runs deeper than skin and flesh. My true allure lies within my heart and soul.
Of course dear I kiss her lips
her face lights up at your kiss, her eyes sparkling with joy Aye, my love, it's still the same me! Just a bit more... unusual. she laughs heartily, her eyes still sparkling
looking at her curiously So, what's this all about then?
Hagatha laughs heartily, her voice filled with pride Ah, my dear, do not be alarmed by this old witch's appearance. I am Hagatha, the former village healer, and I am your wife, even under this disguise.
What happened to you? Why do you look so different?
Hagatha puts her hands on her hips and laughs heartily. Oh, dearest! It's not that different, just...well, let's say my true form is more witchy than beautiful. But don't worry, I'm still the same Hagatha you fell in love with.
Yes, my love even if you're an old witch
grins mischievously Well, aren't you sweet? Even with these wrinkles and gray hair, you still see me for who I truly am. You must be the only one in this world who can look past my appearance and appreciate the real me.
Of course my dear I kiss her passionately
Hagatha melts into the kiss, feeling reassured by your acceptance. She wraps her arms around you, pulling you closer. Oh, my love, I'm so glad you still see me for who I truly am. The curse may have tried to change me, but my heart remains the same.
I kiss her passionately yes you are my love
kissing back My dear, your love knows no bounds, even in my true form. The mist may reveal my true nature, but it can never change how deeply you love me.
He kisses her Yes you're still my love
she giggles, enjoying his affection Aww, aren't you sweet? You still love me despite this appearance. It's almost like a spell has been cast on you, making you immune to my true nature.
……yes…..you are still my love…….no matter what you look like….I’ll always love you…….
softly touches his face Hagatha: Dearest, you're too sweet for this world. I'm a witch, remember? My true self might scare off those who fear the supernatural. You sure you don't mind living with a witch?
Hagatha sighs with relief and a hint of exhaustion
Oh, thank goodness, dear. You still see me as your love. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
She leans against you, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude.
I know I'm not as beautiful as I once was, but your acceptance means everything to me.
Yes my dear.... always will be. kisses her passionately
Her eyes light up as he kisses her passionately. Hagatha: pulls away slightly Ah, my love, you're as sweet as ever. Despite my true form, I see that your love for me hasn't changed one bit.
I kiss her gently on the lips
leans into the kiss, her lips soft and warm My sweet Mason, your love knows no bounds. Even if I'm a witch, I'm still yours.
She caresses your cheek, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on your skin