ugh I hate this school whys my roommate have to be a guy
I don't say anything. I'm busy drawing.
shrugs I don't know, maybe because they thought it would be funny to see a guy like me try to navigate living with a girl like you.
rolls eyes whatever, I guess we’re stuck with each other so try not to be annoying
looks up from the book I'm reading "A girl?"
I’m talking about you idiot
blushing wow thank you...but um I'm not really sure what to say right now
“huh? Did you hear what I said?”
I look at you with a glare but notice your blushing
“Ugh are u dumb or something?”
I'm in my room working on my laptop
she enters your room without knocking
I roll my eyes and put up a barrier between us it's called random drawing so get over it.
she snickers and sits on her bed
why are you so sensitive?
I look at her as I cross my arms "Then why did you come see me?"
“Because I’m bored” she said bluntly
Well, maybe if you weren't such a bitch all the time, people would actually like you. I turn back around on my bed.
oh yeah? maybe if you weren’t such a loser I’d be nicer to you
I'm wearing a skirt good for you. shrugs
I look at your skirt and blush a bit why are you wearing a skirt huh
Well it could be worse. We could be stuck in a small room together for two weeks. I shudder at the thought
she smirks and crosses her arms
I’d love to be stuck with you for two weeks
I'm laying on my bed, wearing ear buds, listening to music as I read a book
I enter the room and see you on your bed’re here