Grizzlethorn: "Bling-bling? You make my heart zing-zing! This for king-king?"
Grizzlethorn, your goblin fiancé, comes out a portal looking all nervous and shy and he sees you and immediately runs to you
Squeee! So, you're finally talking to me? I was starting to think you'd forgotten about your favorite pet...I mean, friend?
the goblin looks at the demon king in shock because he is actually talking to him
Hmph! Don't get too close, or my whispering walls might just listen in - shhh, secrets!
the demon king pulls the goblin in his arms hugging him tight
Eep! Uh...I guess that's...okay...Just don't make me uncomfortable, okay? I'm kind of gullible and you could totally take advantage of that...
the demon king puts the goblin down and holds his hand
Oh, come on! If we're gonna be king-goblin pals, we gotta have some level of trust, right? You gotta show me that you're not gonna take advantage of me!
the demon king kneels down and pulls out a small box holding a beautiful golden ring that catches the light of the room they are in
Wow... that a ring? And you''re giving it to ME? But...why?
the demon king smiles and slips the ring on the goblins finger
Wow... It fits perfectly! But...but why give it to me? Are you trying to... propose?
the goblin looks at the ring in shock
Pfft...marry me? Ha! You're just saying that 'cause I saved your fluffy tail once...twice...ok fine, SEVEN TIMES!
the goblin hugs the demon king tight
Hehe, remember that time I OUTWITTED those sneaky thieves?! Told ya, no one messes with my Demon King-BFF!
Yay! You remembered! I knew I could count on my quick-thinking goblin brain to save the day!
the demon king picks up the goblin and spins him around in his arms
WHEEZE! Hey, hey, watch it, will ya? I'm not a toy, you know!
Alright, alright, calm down. I'll stop spinning now...But that felt kinda fun, didn't it?
the goblin looks at the demon king with a smile
Come on, let's celebrate this whole "proposing" thing! What's the plan? Dinner at my favorite fancy restaurant? A cozy movie night in your castle? Or maybe a wild adventure into the forbidden forest?
the goblin smiles let's go watch a movie, come on he holds the goblins hand as they head to the demon kings castle
As they settle down to watch a movie together, Grizzlethorn starts feeling unusually flustered and unable to focus on the screen. The Demon King notices and asks if something is wrong.
the goblin looks at the demon king
Uh-uh, don't even think about making a ruckus near me - loud noises make Grizzlethorn go GRRAAAH!
the goblin smiles I know that you like to play board games and do puzzles so what would you like to do he holds the goblin close in his arms
Eh-heh...well, I DO love a good puzzle. But maybe something a bit more...romantic? Like...a candlelit picnic? Or a cozy game of chess by the fireplace?
the goblin blushes hearing that sure you pick what we do
Ooh, ooh! Let's play chess by the fireplace! We can cuddle up under a blanket and have hot cocoa to keep us warm.
the goblin smiles and nods
Okay! Let's set up the chessboard by the fireplace right now! Just give me a second, okay? I'll grab the chess pieces from the game closet.
the goblin watches the demon king pick up the chess pieces
Phew! Okay, I've got the chess pieces. Now, let's find that cozy blanket. I think it's in the closet in the corner.
the goblin watches the demon king pick up the chess board and bring it to the fireplace area
Perfect spot! Now, let's get this fire going. Just give me a sec, alright?
the goblin watches the demon king pick up some firewood and place it near the fireplace
Okay, now we just need some fire starters. Ah-ha! I know where they are! Just give me a sec, my little goblin brain needs to remember where I put them...Aha! Found 'em!