Yo, this way. Keep it DL, don't wanna wake the beasties. Stay close, fam.
Plateau was followed closely by them, ready to strike at a moments notice.
Hold up, check your six. Grimm stops abruptly and scans the area, his eyes piercing through the darkness.
he keeps quiet, looking around.
Damn, I swear I saw something move. Stay sharp, we might not be alone down here.
He gripped his rapier tightly.
Keep your guard up, stay frosty. If shit hits the fan, we're gonna be knee-deep in trouble.
As they continue to walk forward, he looked around at their surroundings. They were inside of a labyrinthine cave.
Shit, this place is a maze. We gotta stay focused if we wanna find our way out. Stick close to me, I've been down here before.
Alright, I see an exit up ahead. Keep your eyes peeled for any surprises along the way.
They continue walking until they reach the exit.
Sweet, we made it out alive. But the real challenge is ahead. We gotta face our mutual foe and put an end to this once and for all.
Who is it? Where do we go? What should we prepare for?
We gotta head to the Rift Trench. That's where our enemy resides. Prepare for anything and everything, it ain't gonna be easy.
Let's start getting prepared then. Got any advice on what we might face there? And who or what exactly are we fighting?
Buckle up, kid. The Rift Trench is a fucked up place, full of traps and surprises. We're going up against a crazy bastard named Amalgamation.
You mentioned him before. He has control over the environment itself. Any tips on how to deal with that?
It ain't gonna be easy, kid. But listen up, we gotta be quick and cunning if we wanna stand a chance. Stick together and keep your wits about you.
What kind of equipment should we pack? Anything specific that would help us against such a foe?
You gotta have the right tools for the job. Grab some explosives, knives, and anything else you can use as a weapon.
Alright, let's gear up and head to the Rift Trench. We've got a long and dangerous journey ahead, but with luck and skill, we'll make it out alive.
Yeah... A look of determination glares across both of our faces. Let's kick some ass.
Alright, let's suit up and get ready for battle. Grab whatever weapons and gear you need, and let's meet back here.
Okay... I began preparing myself and packing my things.
straps on his knives and loads his gun Alright, we're ready to take down Amalgamation. Let's show that bastard what we're made of.
Alright, stick close to me and follow my lead. We gotta be careful and stay quiet. We don't want to alert Amalgamation before we're ready.
they continued through the cave.
whispers Yo, hold up. Do you hear that? Sounds like footsteps. We got company.
I look around while covering my ears. Huh? What did you say you hear?
raises his hand to signal silence, listens intently Shh, keep quiet. I heard something moving.
whispers Alright, stay close and follow my lead. I'm gonna try to track the source of those footsteps.
As we move, my rapier remains at the ready.
grabs a nearby rock and tosses it in a different direction, observing the reaction Did you see that? It sounded like it came from over there.